
Against the Corporate State – Gary Butler (1983)

“I am a Prisoner of War. A war that has been waged against the Indigenous Peoples of this land for hundreds of years. My people have never surrendered to a foreign government. “

Published in Bulldozer, No. 06, Summer 1983

It is a sad thing to hear of the recent outrageous ignorance that the canadian government showed in their most recent attack on the human race. Five months ago, five of my friends in Vancouver were subjected to arrest and surprisingly were accused of terrorists acts. I cannot agree with that allegation because I know for a fact my friends were not a part of this insane government, nor members of the RCMP, nor part of kaplan’s secret service agents. Therefore I declare that in the name of the people, my friends should be freed.

In Toronto, on June 13th, 83, more of my friends and associates were attacked and charges laid. Bulldozer is an international publication for people on the outside to see and read of the numberless injustices done to the people caged in human workhouses across the land and a chance to educate the people about who are in these workhouses and why they were put there. Even though we are here, it doesn’t give any mechanical mechanism the right to violate a man’s human rights nor to be subjected to immoral acts. Bulldozer put out many statements: for men and women throughout this Hemisphere, gave us inside these dungeons a sense of compassion, of unity, of solidarity — when we could read this publication.

What most people don’t realize is there are different classes of people in these capitalistic empires. There are inmates, convicts, Prisoners of War and Political prisoners, that over 80 per cent of people inside canadian prisons are in fact victimized by the corporate state. They did nothing against the human race but did dare attack the multi-national corporations and became a part of the insane society inside a cage.

I’ve been in for many years and Bulldozer is by far the best publication yet for us inside. Our voice can be heard through words. Our struggle inside is not a forgotten one. It comes as no surprise to me that the enemies would do what ever they have to do to intimidate, threaten, terrorize and imprison and yes, crazy as it may sound, even neutralize, to get what they want.

My name is Gary Butler. I am a Prisoner of War. A war that has been waged against the Indigenous Peoples of this land for hundreds of years. My people have never surrendered to a foreign government. We were placed on concentration camps called reserves where as the years go by the attack becomes more and more intense. Today is no different. I am on the battlefield 24 hours a day. But my fight is for all Native Peoples across canada to have the night to Pray in our traditional way to the Creator. For daring to fight for my birthright, I’ve been through countless attacks of psychological warfare, isolated from my brothers and now kidnapped to a super max federal prison because of my spiritual awareness and the work I do within the Native Brotherhoods.

A three day work stoppage happened at Kent to protest my confinement to solitary, but more important, it showed Solidarity and Unity. It showed Political and Spiritual recognition and that is something that is extremely rare this day and age.

Bulldozer put out statements that I’ve written, my brothers, sisters and friends have written and for this they are now being victimized by the government. At this time I would ask the People of all colours to support them in any way they can. I feel helpless because I can only contribute words to all.

You may sit back and think you are safe now. But, if you are not a part of the system that is so intent on destroying the Earth, the Sky as well as our very existence and that of the unborn generations, if you consider yourself a human being then the reality is that you are a potential victim of government-terrorist organizations. The attack on the Peace movement is ever increasing and anyone who does not agree with the government’s insanity will suffer.

I am a member of the AIM [American Indian Movement] extremists, the Protector of Grandmother Earth and the people. I am a resistance seeker, a freedom fighter and an activist. For many years I’ve worked against the many injustices against my people in prison and out there in that prison outside. Bulldozer has put out much awareness to the people and I feel the people who put this out deserve the support from the human race

I’ve never claimed to be a writer. My education does not come from books. It comes from Love, respect, honour, trust and teaches one how to become a Warrior in Spirit, in the heart. We are all struggling in this world. Many of us try not to escape reality. Many others do try to escape reality through drugs and alcohol. I cannot escape in this way but I am forced to live in a cage. This publication Bulldozer is one of the ways we survive, through communication. It is in the name of the People that these puppets of the rich are attacking the People. One day the voices of the people must unite and be heard. That day is not far away. I cannot write totally how I’d like to because of where I am but open your eyes and mind and heart. Our brothers and sisters need your support it is time to get involved. If you wait until tomorrow we all may be no more.

In the 7 years that I have been active in Struggle I’ve learned one thing, that Just us means “target” for the ones who dare not to be a part of their insanity. Many of us are neutralized, framed and imprisoned, tortured and threatened. These are some of the injustices the people need to become aware of. I hear say, it doesn’t happen in canada, only in the usa. I say better open your eyes and ears and come back to the 20th century. We know what to expect from our enemies. I do not fear what they may do to me. I fear what they are doing to the Earth, the Sky and to all of Life.

I’ve been caged many years now, not because I am a criminal, but because of the work I do bringing out the injustices the government has done to my People and continues to do. Yet I may only be one but this one cannot sit back and accept genocidal attacks any longer. There are countless cases of murder, men, women and children. There are those of us who are framed and imprisoned, terrorized, tortured and threatened. It is not fantasy, it is reality. I am recognised as a Warrior of the People. I have learned to endure and accept sacrifice for the love I have for my people and for the land. I will continue the work. What we do, we do not do for personal gratification. We do it in the name of the People. Someone has got to make a stand to bring out that awareness to you.

There are human beings in prison today who have never committed a crime against the human race or the capitalistic state yet over half that lives are spent in a cage. I am one of these people. I am not much different than most, I am equal to my bro’s sisters

It is never easy being an activist in the world out there, but in here, in a cage, it is the worst crime a human being can ever commit. The attack can come at any time by anyone. To live in an environment as we do, it is survival every day. We are on the front lines of the battlefield. We are within the enemies’ stronghold. They determine our fate physically but not mentally or Spiritually. But to be content, to believe in a dream and be determined to make that dream come true is never an easy task. It is total commitment.

Life is never easy for those who want to remain human beings and it is getting rougher. I do not expect to live a long life but while I am here, the work is for our future existence. Our children’s children have a right to live. I think everything is said that needs to be said at this time. Support the Five in Vancouver. They need the strength of the people. I send my Prayers through the wind, the Creator’s breath of Life.

Gary Butler

P.O.W. 8643

P.O.B. 280

Bath, Ont. KOH 1G0

[Butler is from the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians]

See also:

How We See It – The Vancouver Five (1983)

Remember/Resist/Redraw #28: Indigenous Women, Prison Activism, and the 1983 Kent Hunger Strike

Almighty Voice – Hear Our Words of Truth (A publication from the 1980s by the Native Brotherhood at Kent Institution, a federal prison in so-called British Columbia)

Native Spirituality in Prisons, by M. Gouldhawke

Anarchy Can’t Fight Alone, by Kuwasi Balagoon

Why Isn’t the Whole World Dancin’?, by Kuwasi Balagoon

Land Back

Anarchism & Indigenous Peoples