
Karl Marx – Le Révolté (1883)

“… it must be admitted that no one has surpassed Marx in erudition, critique and scientific argumentation, either in his polemics with the bourgeois economist schools or in his assertion of socialist ideas.”

Translated from the French of the article that appeared in the anarchist communist journal, Le Révolté, March 31, 1883. Founded in Geneva in 1879 by Peter Kropotkin, François Dumartheray, Varlam Cherkezov and Georges Herzig, Le Révolté’s editorship was handed over to Jean Grave starting in 1883, at the request of Sophie Kropotkin and Élisée Reclus, after Peter Kropotkin had been deported from Switzerland (though he continued contributing articles)

Karl Marx

The author of Capital, and one of the founders of the International Working Men’s Association, died in London on the 14th.

His death is a great loss for the science of sociology and for the “social-democratic” party in Germany. A student of the Berlin philosophical school, Marx possessed mastery of the dialectical method, which he showed in all his attacks on the economists of the bourgeois school. In spite of the differences of opinion about his fundamental work, Capital, in which many people do not see original ideas – for example, the law of wages and value being found with Ricardo and other English economists – it must be admitted that no one has surpassed Marx in erudition, critique and scientific argumentation, either in his polemics with the bourgeois economist schools or in his assertion of socialist ideas. 

Karl Marx is not only known as a writer, but his name is still linked to the socialist movement of the last forty years. His participation in the socialist movement in Germany is known, both as a publicist and as a man of agitation and organization. In 1847 he published, together with Engels, the famous Communist Manifesto, which ended with the appeal: Proletarians of the whole world, unite! When, in 1864, this call was heard, and the idea was realized by the founding of the International Working Men’s Association, Marx deployed all his activity to give as much extension as possible to this organization. We can even say that for many years the General Council of the Association acted under the influence and inspiration of Karl Marx.

A man of 48 [the revolutions of 1848 in Europe], a partisan of the State and of centralist authoritarian organization, he fought by all means, overt and covert, against the federalist and anarchist ideas that arose within the International in the interval of 1870-73. Resting on an artificial majority, Marx and his friends had the federalist minority expelled from the International at the Hague Congress (1872).

Although Marx was exclusively engaged with scientific work during the last ten years, his influence remains great in Germany. It is also found in the French labour movement, among the partisans of the Fourth Estate [the proletariat].

Karl Marx

Le Révolté, 31 Mars 1883, Genève

L’auteur du Capital, et l’un des fondateurs de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, est mort à Londres, le 14 courant.

Sa mort est une grande perte pour la science sociologique et pour le parti <<social-démocrate>> en Allemagne. Elève de l’école philosophique de Berlin, Marx possédait en maitre la méthode dialectique; il l’a montré dans toutes ses attaques contre les économistes de l’école bourgeoise. Malgré les différences d’opinions émises sur son ouvrage fondamental, Le Capital, dans lequel beaucoup de personnes ne voient pas d’idées originales – par exemple, la loi des salaires et de la valeur que l’on trouve chez Ricardo et chez d’autres économistes anglais – il faut convenir que personne n’a surpassé Marx en érudition, en critique et en argumentation scientifique, soit dans sa polémique avec les écoles économistes bourgeoises, soit dans son affirmation des idées socialistes. 

Karl Marx est non-seulement connu comme écrivain, mais son nom est encore lié au mouvement socialiste de ces quarante dernières années. On connait sa participation au mouvement socialiste en Allemagne soit comme publiciste, soit comme homme d’agitation et d’organisation. Il publia, en 1847, avec Engels, le fameux Manifeste des communistes qui se terminait par cet appel: Prolétaires du monde entier, unissez-vous! Quand, en 1864, cet appel fut entendu, et l’idée réalisée par la fondation de l’Association Internationale des Travailleurs, Marx déploya toute son activité pour donner le plus d’extension possible à cette organisation. On peut même dire que pendant nombre d’années le conseil Général de l’Association a agi sous l’influence et l’inspiration de Karl Marx.

Homme de 48, partisan de l’Etat et de l’organisation autoritaire centraliste, il combattit par tous les moyens, ouverts et occultes, les idées fédéralistes et anarchistes qui surgirent au sein de l’Internationale dans l’intervalle de 1870-73. S’appuyant sur une majorité factice, Marx et ses amis, firent, au congrès de la Haye (1872), expulser de l’Internationale la minorité fédéraliste.

Bien que Marx se soit exclusivement occupé pendant ces dix dernières de travaux scientifiques, son influence est restée grande en Allemagne. Elle se retrouve aussi dans le mouvement ouvrier français, parmi les partisans du Quatrième Etat.

Also on this site

Anarchy and Communism – Le Drapeau Noir (1883)

Our Colonizations – Le Révolté (1884)

Plea for Anarchy – Albert Parsons (1886)

Abolition of Government – Lizzie M. Swank (1886)

Louise Michel on the Congress (1896)

For Candia – Errico Malatesta / Kropotkin to Goldsmith on Crete and National Liberation (1897)

A Correction – Peter Kropotkin (1912)

Anti-Militarism: Was It Properly Understood? – Errico Malatesta (1914)

The Red Path and Socialism – ᐊᓯᓂ Vern Harper (1979)

Marxism from a Native Perspective – John Mohawk (1981)

Marxism and Native Americans – Reviewed by Howard Adams (1984)

The Social Interest and its influence on Capital – M.Gouldhawke (2023)

On other sites

To manual workers, supporters of political action – François Dumartheray (1876)

The Conquest of Bread – Peter Kropotkin (1982)

Colonization – Jean Grave (1893)

Anarchists Have Forgotten Their Principles / Pro-Government Anarchists – Errico Malatesta (1914 / 1916)