
Some collected words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno

“Rest in Joy”

For the revolutionary anarchist Alfredo Bonanno, by Class Counterattack (Group of Anarchists and Communists)

For Alfredo, by Biblioteca Anarchica Disordine

Olympia: Alfredo Bonanno Memorial

Farewell, Alfredo, by Toby Shone

Words in memory of Alfredo M. Bonanno by Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

For Comrade Alfredo Bonanno from Nikos Maziotis, Member of Revolutionary Struggle

An Illogical Life, by Simone LeMarteu and Nada Lestrigon

Let’s Be Done with Waiting: A Film in Memory of Alfredo Maria Bonanno, by CrimethInc

Despairing Knowledge: For Alfredo Bonanno, by Vicky Osterweil

Action Replaces Tears, by anarchists comrades and anarchist project Act for Freedom Now!

Aide-mémoire: Writings of Alfredo Maria Bonanno yet to be translated (with a few exceptions) into the language of pirates and shopkeepers

Bonanno-related texts on this site

Construction in the struggle for insurrectional organization, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1972)

What “Anarchismo” is and how it functions (1978)

Italian Cops Trample Flowers, from Open Road (1980)

The Struggle for Self-Managed Social Space, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1987)

Insurrection, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1988)

Survival Gathering: Toronto, July 1-4, 1988, by Jean Weir

Breaking out of the Ghetto, by Jean Weir (1988)

Against Ecology, by Pierleone Porcu (1988)

The Palestinian Struggle Continues, from Insurrection (1988)

Endless Struggle reviews ‘From Riot to Insurrection’ (1989)

The Right to Life Isn’t Begged For, It is Taken, by Endless Struggle (1990)

Against Imperialism: International Solidarity and Resistance, by Endless Struggle (1990)

A Eulogy to Opinion, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1995)

Pandemics, Schools and Squats in a Civil Society built on Stolen Land, by M.Gouldhawke (2022)

Capital as Automatic Subject, by M.Gouldhawke (2022)

Intro to Insurrectionary Anarchism, by M.Gouldhawke (2022)

On other sites

The Anarchist Tension

From Riot to Insurrection

The Revolutionary Project, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (layout by Fugitive Distro, 2023)

Edizioni Anarchismo

Elephant Editions

Alfredo M. Bonanno texts at the Anarchist Library

A Project of Liberation , by the Insurrectionary Anarchists of the Coast Salish Territories (2004)