
Imperialism: Monster of the Twentieth Century, by Kōtoku Shūsui (1901)


“Why is it impossible [for Italy to leave Libya], when the voyage from Libya back to Italy takes only a few hours?’

Errico Malatesta, Via dall’Africa! (1914)

“For centuries now, the European imperialist economic system has expanded, extending its domination throughout the Western world until today we see it infesting every corner of the globe.”

Direct Action / The Vancouver Five, How We See It (1983)

“The basis of our anti-imperialist struggle is extending the social struggle to form a base in the anti-capitalist struggle within an international perspective.”

Endless Struggle, Against Imperialism: International Solidarity and Resistance (1990)


On the connection between war and capitalism: The ABC of the war economy, by Oliver Schlaudt and Daniel Burnfin (2024)

Imperialism’s Shell Game, by Darryl Li (2024)

Historical anarchist anti-imperialism

Our Colonizations, from Le Révolté (1884)

For Candia, by Errico Malatesta (1897)

The Probable Intervention, by Praxedis G. Guerrero (1910)

Concerning the Beginning of the End, from Tiempos Nuevos (1912)

Our Foreign Policy, by Errico Malatesta (1914)

If We Must Fight, Let It Be For The Social Revolution, from Mother Earth (1914)

While the Carnage Lasts, by Errico Malatesta (1915)

On the March, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1917)

Teaching Liberty to Santo Domingo, by Emma Goldman (1917)

The Right of Peoples to Determine Themselves, from Solidaridad Obrera (1936)

Anarchist Tactic for Palestine, by Albert Meltzer (1939)

American Imperialism versus German Imperialism, by Marie Louise Berneri (1941)

The Yankee Peril, by Marie Louise Berneri (1943)

Malaya, by Albert Meltzer (1948)

The struggle against the Cruise missile base in Comiso (1981–83), by Anarchismo Magazine and Elephant Editions

Anti-Imperialism, Nationhood and National Liberation, by Kuwasi Balagoon (1984)

NATO Fighter Planes Invade Innu Territory, by Open Road (1987)

The April Uprising in Iraq, by M.Gouldhawke (2004)

Mining: Stealing the Land from Under Us, by M.Gouldhawke (2005)

“What we need to do is to develop instruments that take what is relevant from the past, uniting it with what is required to make it relevant to the present. This can only be done if we have a clear idea of what this reality is. Not what we would like it to be, but what it is…”

Jean Weir, Introduction to From Riot to Insurrection (1988)

Against Canadian imperialism

The Crisis in Haiti is the Result of Racist Colonialism, by Krys Cerisier (2024)

Canada exported military goods and technology to countries where 232 Human Rights Defenders were killed in 2023/24, by Peace Brigades International – Canada (2024)

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East condemns Canada’s record-breaking 2023 military exports to Israel (2024)

Dismantling the Haitian state (feat. Canada), by The Breach (2024)

How Canada helps build Israel’s fighter jets, by The Breach (2024)

Mining Blackness, by Fitsum Areguy (2024)

No War on Yemen, edited by M.Gouldhawke (2024)

Fanning the Flames: The grave risk of Canada’s arms exports to Israel, by Kelsey Gallagher / Project Ploughshares (2024)

Why Canada is one of Israel’s most extreme defenders, by Martin Lukacs (2023)

A Brief History of Canada’s Role in the Colonization of Palestine, by Lucy El-Sherif (2023)

Canadian police connections with Israel colour responses to Palestinian solidarity, by Jeff Shantz (2023)

Annexing Palestine Through Trade: The Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (2023)

Canada has exported more than $30 million in “military goods” to Indonesia over the past five years, by Brent Patterson (2023)

Arming Apartheid: Canada’s Arms Exports to Israel, by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (2022)

Leaked report accuses Canada of covering for mining companies in war-torn Ethiopia, by Fitsum Areguy (2021)

New documents detail how Canada helped plan 2004 coup d’état in Haiti, by Nikolas Barry-Shaw & Dru Oja Jay (2021)

Canada In The World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination, by Tyler A. Shipley (2020)

A Condensed History of Canada’s Colonial Cops, by M.Gouldhawke (2020)

Canadian Imperialism & Institutional Racism: Connections between Black & Métis resistance movements, by M.Gouldhawke (2019)

The New (Canadian) Imperialism, in Honduras – An interview with Tyler Shipley, by Tanner Mirrlees (2017)

Architect of apartheid: Canada’s support for Israel has taken many forms, but perhaps its greatest gift has been its example, by Mike Krebs (2012)

Canada’s secret war in Iraq, by Richard Sanders (2008)

Overshadowed National Liberation Wars, by Howard Adams (1992)

An Appeal for Justice, by Louis Riel (1885)

Collections on this site


Anarchists & Fellow Travellers on Palestine

If We Must Fight, Let’s Fight for the Most Glorious Nation, Insubordination

Anarchist Anti-Militarism

Anarchists on National Liberation

Land Back

Some more anti-imperialist texts

(In reverse chronology)

Palestinian town of Jericho names street after US soldier who set himself on fire (2024)

Or Just Say Nothing: A Response to CrimethInc.’s Initial Statement on Aaron Bushnell, by anonymous (2024)

Taking Aaron Bushnell at His Word (and Deed), by Lyle Jeremy Rubin (2024)

Palestine, platitudes and silence, by Tommy Lawson (2023)

The Specificity of Imperialism, by Salar Mohandesi (2018)

Anarchism and the British Warfare State: The Prosecution of the War Commentary Anarchists, 1945, by Carissa Honeywell (2015)

Colonization: A War for Territory, by Zig-Zag (2012/1999)

Say No to the War of Fear, by Subcomandante Marcos (2003)

“No!” to the War in the Balkans, by Subcomandante Marcos (1999)

Challenge to Colonized Culture, by Howard Adams (1995)

First Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, by the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (1993)

Anarchist Opposition to Japanese Militarism: 1926-1937, by John Crump (1991)

The Palestinian Struggle Continues, from Insurrection (1988)

The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism, by Fredy Perlman (1984)

Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom, by Fredy Perlman (1983)

How We See It, by the Vancouver Five (1983)

Some very common theoretical errors, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1982)

Marxism from a Native Perspective, by John Mohawk (1981)

Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle, by Alfredo M. Bonanno & Jean Weir (1976)

Palestinians and Native People are Brothers, by the Native Study Group (1976)

The Form of the Struggle For Liberation, by Howard Adams (1975)

Capitalism, the Final Stage of Exploitation, by Lee Carter (1970)

From DuBois to Fanon, by C.L.R. James (1967)

Two Local Wars, by Mustapha Khayati (1967)

Long Live Free Algeria!, by the Libertarian Communist Federation (1954)

Letter in memory of Marie Louise Berneri, from George Padmore (1949)

Zionism, from War Commentary (1944)

Man-Made Famines, by Marie Louise Berneri (1943)

The Lebanon Crisis, by War Commentary (1943)

Manifesto of the Anarchist Federation on War (1943)

How will the war end?, by Albert Meltzer (1939)

The “Advantages” of British Imperialism, by Reginald Reynolds (1939)

The Black Spectre of War, by Emma Goldman (1938)

What can we do?, by Camillo Berneri (1936)

A Few Words on the National Question in the Ukraine, by Nestor Makhno (1928)

The Arming of Nations, from La Antorcha (1923)

Declaration of the Korean Revolution, by Shin Chaeho (1923)

Armed Peace, from Revista Liberal (1921)

The War, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1917)

The Deadly Parallel, by the Industrial Workers of the World (1917)

Why War?, from The Blast (1916)

Concerning Atrocities, by James Peter Warbasse (1915)

The African Roots of War, by W.E.B. Du Bois (1915)

Anti-War Manifesto, by the Anarchist International (1915)

Is This the Last War?, by W.T. Crick (1915)

Italy Also!, by Errico Malatesta (1915)

The Barricade and the Trench, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1915)

The Main Enemy Is At Home!, by Karl Liebknecht (1915)

The Junius Pamphlet: The Crisis of German Social Democracy, by Rosa Luxemburg (1915)

Down with Wars!, by Isolina Bórquez (1914)

War, by Pedro Esteve (1912)

To the American People, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1911)

War and the Workers, by the Industrial Workers of the World (1911)

Military Power, from Industrial Worker (1909)

The Roots of Modern War, by James Connolly (1898)

A Page in the History of Civilization, by F. Girard (1860)

Recommended reading

Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, by William Blum