
Colonial Problems rebranded as ‘Indigenous Issues’ – Mbwaach’idiwag Podcast

“Métis scholar and writer Mike Gouldhawke visits with Sara Mai to unpack his take on The Globe and Mail front page news story on the ‘Water Crisis’ in Indigenous communities”

Episode III

On March 1, 2021 The Globe and Mail published a front page news story on the ‘Water Crisis’ in Indigenous communities, and the federal government’s failure to meet their self-imposed deadline of March 31st to resolve long-term boil water advisories on First Nations reserves. Métis scholar and writer Mike Gouldhawke visits with Sara Mai to unpack his take on this “colonial problem rebranded as Indigenous issues.”

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Articles we reference in the episode:

Water Is Life: The Fatal Links Between Water Infrastructure, COVID-19, And First Nations In Canada, By Jaida Beaudin

Calls to Action Accountability: A 2020 Status Update on Reconciliation, By Eva Jewell and Ian Mosby

How do we solve Structural Racism? A 5X5 Review

Thoughts on the Constitution and Aboriginal Self-Government, by Howard Adams (1992)

Six Nations appeals to the League of Nations, 1922-31

Ottawa pressed to make good on promise to end all long-term drinking-water advisories for First Nations, Globe & Mail (paywalled, March 1, 2021)

Recommended viewing on similar subject matter:

Qallunaat! Why White People Are Funny (2006)