
Unnatural System

History keeps getting older. But sometimes to preserve is to destroy.


The story is supposed to go something like this

Before socialism the State is a mineral that is supposed to be smashed

After socialism has done its work the State is a vegetable that will wither away on its own

Hitherto we’ve been a bunch of animals

History goes in a line

Take it day by day

It’s anyone’s guess whether tomorrow line goes up or line goes down

Some say it’s a science

Something that can get results

Back in the day

Linnaeus had a lineage of scientific racism

His Systema Naturae got remixed as history moved forward

First as a popular game of twenty questions and then as a television game show

To Linnaeus the history of all the hitherto existing world was the history of classes

A taxonomy that he made up himself

And this came with contradictions like his Animalia Paradoxa

He questioned whether these beasts colonizers claimed to have seen actually existed

Contradictions within classes and then contradictions between classes

Some that got resolved and left behind in new editions

Next comes a fairy tale settlers tell their kids about conquerors and grave robbers

Loosely based on history but highly fictionalized

Small world Dr. Jones says mister panama hat

Two small for two of us Indiana Jones replies

Panama hat says this is the second time I’ve had to reclaim my property from you

That belongs in a museum says Jones

So do you says panama hat

History keeps getting older

But sometimes to preserve is to destroy

Squabbling over fictionalized property of a real life conqueror

Jones was a made-up American archaeologist stealing artifacts for an American museum

Not a real life British archaeologist like those buffoons on the BBC game show

Playing animal vegetable mineral

Who were given a point despite not knowing whether a doll was pre or post columbian

Whether it was North or Central or South American

There’s always another crusade

Always more lost europeans

More fictional movies and reality TV to pass the time

From a certain point of view

After his Communist Manifesto and his exile

Marx made use of the British Museum Reading Room to write Capital

He wrote that colonialism constituted the dawn of the era of capitalist production

This was later remixed for a musical

Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun

Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow til there’s none

Marx ended Capital on a colonial cliffhanger

The last part of the book consists of the chapters on expropriation

Theft of land over there and over here

The violence of colonization is mentioned but not so much the resistance

In that particular part of his argument he wasn’t concerned with ongoing colonial conditions

In the so-called true colonies some workers owned the land they worked on

This was a contradiction that had to be and was being resolved one way or another

By the import of more workers

Or another round of expropriation of the workers from the land

Subsequently this has been cause for confusion or elucidation by other writers

From various points of view

Two years after Capital was published the Métis of Red River resisted but didn’t rebel

Blocking Canada from surveying and purchasing and invading land that had never been bought

Ten years after Capital lieutenant colonel Custer lost the Battle of the Greasy Grass

To Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors

Eighteen years after Capital what was left of the nêhiyaw-pwat beat the RCMP more than once

But couldn’t beat the army that followed

But people kept struggling anyway against a world of contradictions

History moves forward

Or in spirals that touch and expand upon past themes

When a blockade goes up

Or a John A. statue comes tumbling down

Canadians don’t call it heritage minutes

They open an investigation

And try to retrieve lost pride

Their real property


M.Gouldhawke (Métis-Cree)

April 19, 2021