
Head Hits Concrete

“Mike Gouldhawke on capitalism, colonialism, and how we can use Marx’s concept of value as a tool for understanding and changing our current social conditions.”

“Mike Gouldhawke on capitalism, colonialism, and how we can use Marx’s concept of value as a tool for understanding and changing our current social conditions.”

Read the article at the website of Midnight Sun magazine.

Traducción e ilustraciones por Taller Ahuehuete.

Article references / notes / sources:

  1. Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, A Pictorial History of the Métis and Non-Status Indian in Saskatchewan (1976)
  2.  Diane Elson, The Value Theory of Labor (1979)
  3.  Marx, Notes on Adolph Wagner’s Lehrbuch der Politischer Oekonomie (1881)
  4.  Marx, Capital Vol.1 (1976) pg.148
  5.  Marx, Capital Vol.1 (1976) pg.196
  6.  Marx, Capital Vol.1 (1976) pg.248
  7.  Marx, Grundrisse (1973) pg.266
  8.  Diane Elson, The Value Theory of Labor (1979)
  9.  Bruno Astarian, Gilles Dauvé, Everything Must Go! – The Abolition of Value (2015)
  10.  Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxism and Freedom (1958) pg.138-139, C.L.R. James, Modern Politics (1960), Joshua Clover, Value in the Expanded Field (2016)
  11.  Marx, Capital Vol.1 (1976) pg.301
  12.  Marx, Capital Vol.1, (1976) pg.165
  13.  Marx, Capital Vol.1, (1976) pg.932
  14.  Marx, Capital Vol.1, (1976) pg.138-139
  15.  Fiona Tregenna, Services in Marxian economic thought (2009)
  16.  Annie McClanahan and Jon-David Settell, Service Work, Sex Work, and the “Prostitute Imaginary” (2021)
  17.  Frantz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth (1961)
  18.  ‘Land is a Relationship’: In conversation with Glen Coulthard on Indigenous nationhood (2015), Mike Gouldhawke, Land as a social relationship (2020)
  20.  How Judi Bari introduced class struggle environmentalism to the IWW, Earth First!, and the fight to halt deforestation,
  21.  Grace Lee Boggs (as Ria Stone), The American Worker (1947)
  22.  C.L.R. James, Raya Dunayevskaya, Grace Lee Boggs, The Invading Socialist Society (1947)
  23.  Grace Lee Boggs, The Next American Revolution (2011) pg.70, 77      
  24.  Marx, Capital Vol.1 (1976) pg.727
  25.  Marx, Capital Vol.1 (1976) pg.168