
What is the Native Youth Movement? (2002)

“Informed and inspired by Gustafsen Lake rebels and year-long trial, NYM Vancouver begins organizing against BC treaty process.”

Native Youth Movement

Philosophy and Background

* NYM is a Warrior Society for Indigenous Peoples & Native Youth!

* Our Role is to Defend our Peoples and Territories!

* NYM uses Education, Agitation, and Direct Action to achieve our goals.

* Our Objective is Freedom!


The true history of Colonization, Oppression and Resistance must be revealed! History is the key to understanding the present, the path that brings us from there to here.


Our people must be inspired and empowered in order to break the feelings of hopelessness, despair and apathy!

Direct Action

We must take direct action to stop destructive and negative practises inflicted against our people and territories!


A warrior is a soldier for the people. As this is a matter of life and death, survival or destruction, this is the correct attitude of a warrior.

The power of force is a great responsibility and must be respected. Warriors must have self-control, discipline, and commitment.

In our modern society, and under present social conditions, our primary weapon is knowledge. In a sense, we are at this time in a guerrilla-information war for the hearts and minds of our people.

Our struggle involves conflict; warriors must know the strategies and methods for effectively managing conflict.

Native Youth Movement HISTORY


Oka Crisis. First chapter of NYM forms in Winnipeg, Manitoba. An alternative to growing Native gang activity.


Gustafsen Lake siege. Second chapter of NYM begins to form in Vancouver, BC.


Informed and inspired by Gustafsen Lake rebels and year-long trial, NYM Vancouver begins organizing against BC treaty process.

On April 17, 1997, NYM occupies the BC Treaty Commission offices in Vancouver for 2 days. Some 30 youth participate. First public action against treaties.


NYM continues opposition to treaty process. The sovereignty of Indigenous nations and virtually all of BC being unceded territory is stressed.

On April 17, 1998, NYM occupies BCTC offices for 5 days. Between 60-70 youth participate, and 14 are arrested.

In May ‘98, NYM and Okanagan youth occupy the Westbank band office near Kelowna for two days. 21 arrested. Westbank only Okanagan band involved in treaties.

Other campaigns & activities of NYM include organizing against the theft of Native children by social services, support for survivors of Residential Schools, speaking out at conferences and gatherings, publishing Redwire magazine radio, etc.


NYM attends international conferences in New Mexico, New Zealand, and South Dakota (Indigenous Environmental Network, 5th World Indigenous Youth Conference, 25th annual International Indian Treaty Council).

During the IITC conference in S. Dakota, NYM participates in protest at Pine Ridge. Ends in riot at Whiteclay, Nebraska (protest against unsolved killings of Natives).

In summer ’99, NYM security force defends Cheam fishers against Department of Fisheries and Oceans harassment and intimidation. NYM’ers wear masks, camo. fatigues, and carry batons.

In Fall ’99 NYM delegates participate in anti-WTO riots, Seattle.


NYM organize solidarity actions with Burnt Church Miq’maqs in lobster dispute with DFO in New Brunswick. In Fall 2000, NYM occupy Vancouver offices of federal Fisheries minister Herb Dhaliwal. Comrades in Westcoast Warrior Society travel to New Brunswick to assist in defensive operations (WWS began as a security force in NYM and became an independent organization).

November 21 – NYM occupies Penticton headquarters of Stockwell Day (then Reform party leader in federal election).

In May 2000, Sutikalh camp re-occupation camp begins, near Mt. Currie (also protest camp against proposed ski resort).

In Winter ‘00, Secwepemc nation begin re-occupation camps against Sun Peaks ski resort expansion.


January 16-20, NYM joins Leonard Peltier Clemency Campaign. 4 day protest camp at Peace Arch US-Canada border.

Secwepemc re-occupation camps continue against Sun Peaks, despite increasing arrests throughout year.

– Secwepemc NYM chapter forms in May.

– May 23-25 NYM’ers occupy Kamloops offices of BC Assets and Land (BCAL- a government corporation that leases, sells and develops ‘Crown land’).

– NYM delegate attends anti-FTAA riots in Quebec City, April 20-22.

-Sutikalh is nearly abandoned after a July 5 raid by 45 RCMP ERT members (to arrest six warriors!). The warriors had blockaded logging trucks and other commercial vehicles along highway for 10 days!

-In August ’01, NYM attends the Indigenous Environmental Network conference in Penticton.

– August 30, NYM occupies BCAL’s Victoria headquarters.

– New NYM chapters are established in East Coast, USA (including Warclub – Philadelphia). NYM delegate attends League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations (LISN) conference in Maryland (Tayac territory).

– On December 10/01, International Human Rights Day, RCMP/Sun Peaks/BCAL bulldoze sweatlodge and homes at Sun Peaks re-occupation camp.


Secwepemc NYM continue reoccupation camps & protests against Sun Peaks. Over 70 arrests have been made of Secwepemc elders, youth, and NYM’ers.

– New NYM chapters established in southern California, Nevada, and New Mexico.

– March ’02: NYM Victoria begins organizing.

From this brief history, it is clear that the NYM is growing and expanding. In BC, NYM has existed for 8 years! Its actions and involvement in the struggles of Indigenous peoples are a matter of public record.

This is the history of a young warrior movement. A movement that has made history, and which is a continuation of over 500 years of Indigenous resistance!

Published by NYM Victoria

Date: March 2002