
Justice for Tortuguita / Justice for Tyre Nichols

The Carver’s [John T. Williams’] Life, by Neal Thompson (2011)

Current updates

‘Racist and dehumanizing’: Judge slams RCMP, reduces sentences for CGL pipeline opponents, by Bob Mackin (Feb.20, 2025)

Two Weeks, Six Dead: Police Violence, Indigenous Dehumanization & Canadian Indifference, by Michaela McGuire – Jaad Gudgihljiwah (Sep. 24, 2024)

Hunger strike underway at Pine Grove Correctional Centre, by Trillian Reynoldson / Global News (Aug.9, 2024)

Inmates at Pine Grove on hunger strike to raise awareness, by Angela Brown / Battleford News Optimist (Aug.7, 2024)

Dinï ze’ Dtsa’hyl Decision, by Gidimt’en Yintah Access (Jul.6, 2024)

June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds

Charges quietly dropped for four of the ‘Indigo 11’ pro-Palestine protesters (May.22, 2024)

First Nation protest camp in northern Alberta served with court injunction (May.8, 2024)

Palestinian Prisoner’s Day: How many are still in Israeli detention?, from Al Jazeera (Apr.17, 2024)

Israeli teen jailed for refusing draft: ‘I’m willing to pay a price for my principles’, by Oren Ziv (Apr.5, 2024)

Wet’suwet’en Law Cannot ‘Coexist’ with BC Court Order, Judge Determines (Feb.21, 2024)

New Georgia cash bail expansion will criminalize charitable bail funds (Feb.1, 2024)

Remembering Tortuguita: A vigil for the slain abolitionist (Jan.23, 2024)

Twelve concerning things we learned about the RCMP C-IRG during the first week of the abuse of process hearing (Jan.20, 2024)

Audio Reveals RCMP Officers Laughed about Beating a Land Defender (Jan.19, 2024)

Abuse of process hearing for Wet’suwet’en leader, blockade members to resume in June (Jan.19, 2024)

RCMP officers mocked people being arrested at Wet’suwet’en blockade as ‘orcs’ and ‘ogre’ (Jan.17, 2024)

Rally Supports Vancouver Compassion Club Providing Tested Drugs (Jan.17, 2024)

Cities Across The US Set To Gather For “Day Of The Forest Defender” In Memory Of Tortuguita (Jan.13, 2024)

Grand Chief calls for inquiry following death of 23-year-old inmate at Pine Grove Correctional Centre (Jan.12, 2024)

Wet’suwet’en leader and pipeline opponents found guilty of criminal contempt of court (Jan.12, 2024)

BC Court Convicts Three Indigenous Land Defenders (Jan.12, 2024)

Trial wraps up for prominent Wet’suwet’en leader and pipeline opponents (Jan.11, 2024)

Trial of prominent Wet’suwet’en leader and pipeline opponents begins (Jan.8, 2024)

Court Updates from Gidimt’en Yintah Access (Jan.6, 2024)

Wet’suwet’en Yintah Defence Legal Funds

Noise Demos Ring In New Year As Repression Ramps Up, from It’s Going Down (Jan.4, 2024)

Who are the Israeli refuseniks picking jail over the Gaza war?, from Al Jazeera (Dec.27, 2023)

The Camp Logan 1917 ‘incident’ haunted Houston for more than a century. Why a reckoning now?, by Monique Welch (Dec.22, 2023)

Report details ‘intimidation and harassment’ of Wet’suwet’en people by RCMP protecting pipeline company (Dec.12, 2023)

Woman arrested during Wet’suwet’en pipeline blockade found not guilty (Nov.29, 2023)

In stunning pre-dawn raids, Toronto police ‘terrorize’ Palestine activists, by Martin Lukacs (Nov.24, 2023)

Secwépemc matriarch and hereditary chief head to jail for opposition to TMX construction on unceded land (Nov.15, 2023)

Group of Pine Grove inmates on new hunger strike over water quality, treatment (Nov.9, 2023)

Inmates at Pine Grove refusing food, claim water causing boils (Nov.7, 2023)

Hundreds march in support of safe supply following arrests of 2 Vancouver drug activists (Nov.3, 2023)

2 plead guilty to criminal contempt for blocking Coastal GasLink pipeline (Oct.30, 2023)

Sask. asks court to penalize Anishinabe man over published jail videos experts say show torture (Oct.18, 2023)

More than 50 Indigenous fish harvesters in the Maritimes charged or on trial (Oct.16, 2023)

RICO and Stop Cop City: The Long War Against the Left (Sep.11, 2023)

Headingley inmate said ‘I can’t breathe’ more than 20 times while restrained by guards, video shows (Sep.8, 2023)

Georgia Attorney General brings RICO indictments against 61 activists (Sep.5, 2023)

Secwépemc law presented in court, but judge says B.C.’s rules ‘reflect the public’s view’ (May.25, 2023)

Last of pipeline project “protesters” sentenced in Kamloops (May.19, 2023)

MMIWG2S+ and the Failure of Policing, by Nickita Longman (Feb.14, 2023)


Every Fellow Worker Knows Joe Hill (2024)

It’s almost Winnipeg’s 150, but we really shouldn’t be celebrating, by Simon Pensato (2023)

Life of anarchist-feminist revisited 100 years after her murder, from The Japan Times (2023)

Neither Dead Nor Defeated: Anarchism And The Memory Of Ricardo Flores Magón (2022)

Prisoner Resistance Across the Prairies: 2022-2005

“We want action now:” Indigenous Women, Prison Activism, and the 1983 Kent Hunger Strike, by Tania Willard, Sarah Nickel and Eryk Martin 

“Chip away at it”: A year of COVID-era hunger strikes in Canadian prisons, by MJ Adams (2021)

Harm Reduction Guided by the Goal of the Abolition of Prisons and Capitalism: An interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen (2021)

Meet the man and learn the story behind the iconic ‘Free Palestine’ car, by Duncan Kinney (2021)

The struggle against anti-Blackness in Canada, by Robyn Maynard (2020)

Carceral Redlining: White Supremacy is a Weapon of Mass Incarceration for Indigenous and Black Peoples in Canada, by Rai Reece (2020)

Prison Unionism, by Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land and James Wilt (2020)

A Condensed History of Canada’s Colonial Cops, by M.Gouldhawke (2020)

A Soldier’s Story: Revolutionary Writings by a New Afrikan Anarchist, by Kuwasi Balagoon (2019)

The night the residential school burned to the ground — and the students cheered (2018)

Incorrigible Women: How a 1948 riot helped end a special hell for Canadian women, by Daniel Panneton (2018)

The Forgotten History Of A Prison Uprising In Vietnam (2018)

The 1917 Houston Riots/Camp Logan Mutiny, by Prairie View A&M University (2017)

Anarchism and the British Warfare State: The Prosecution of the War Commentary Anarchists, 1945, by Carissa Honeywell (2015)

The Legacy of Joe Hill, by The Salt Lake Tribune (2015)

To Praise Ginger Goodwin Is to Revere a Radical, by Mark Leier (2014)

Native Spirituality in Prisons, by M.Gouldhawke (2005)

Police Murders & Inquiries: State hand-wringing over killings of Indigenous people by cops, by M.Gouldhawke (2005)

Mohawks Kick Cops Off Rez, by M.Gouldhawke (2004)

Prisons on Fire: George Jackson, Attica & Black Liberation (2002)

Women in Prison, by Ann Hansen (2002?)

Locked Up, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1997)

Back From Hell: Black Power and Treason to Whiteness Inside Prison Walls, by Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin (1994)

The Killing of Leo LaChance, by Ron Bourgeault (1994)

Against the God Emperor: The Anarchist Treason Trials in Japan, by Stefan Anarkowic (1994)

Solidarity from Anti-Authoritarians, by Leonard Peltier (1991)

Simón Radowitzky and the People’s Justice, by Osvaldo Bayer (1991)

A few notes on Sacco and Vanzetti, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1989)

Abolish the Police and the Military!, by the Surrealist Group in Sweden (1987)

Against the Corporate State, by Gary Butler (1983)

How We See It, by The Vancouver Five (1983)

Protect the Earth, by the Free the Five Defense Group (1983)

Chronology of Oppression at Pine Ridge, from Victims of Progress (1977)

Martin Sostre and the Open Road Interview (1976)

I Believe in the Laws of Nature: Anna Mae Pictou Aquash’s Statement to the Court of South Dakota (1975)

A Day Mournful and Overcast…, by an “uncontrollable” from the Iron Column (1937)

The Haymarket Martyrs, by Lucy E. Parsons (1926)

From Behind the Bars, by Librado Rivera (1923)

Between Jails, by Emma Goldman (1917)

Reflections on the Way to the Gallows, by Kanno Sugako (1911)

Prison Song, by Louise Michel (1898)

A Martyr, from The Alarm (1885)

An Appeal for Justice, by Louis Riel (1885)

Site links

Wet’suwet’en Yintah Defence Legal Funds

DULF Solidarity Committee

Protect Sqeq’petsin Stop TMX – Trial Support (gofundme & updates)

Protect Sqeq’petsin – Stop TMX (collected articles)

Justice for Jared

Defund 604 Network

Prison Justice – Vancouver

Free Peppy and Krystal! Free Em All

Contribute to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund

Atlanta Community Press Collective

Winnipeg Police Cause Harm

Oakland Abolition & Solidarity

Support Defendants & Prisoners from the George Floyd Uprisings

Fundraiser for the Family of Manuel “Tortuguita” Páez Terán

No Prisons

Perilous Chronicle

Saskatchewan Manitoba Alberta Abolition Coalition

Rompere l’isolamento (Break the Isolation)

Recommended books

Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present,
by Robyn Maynard

Prison Industrial Complex Explodes, by Mercedes Eng

Taking the Rap: Women Doing Time for Society’s Crimes, by Ann Hansen

More articles

Running Down The Walls (2023)

Demonstrations In Solidarity With ‘Stop Cop City’ Activists Facing Repression Spread (Sep.9, 2023)

Prison isolation units detrimental to the mental health of young Indigenous offenders: report (May.30, 2023)

Isolation cells in women’s prisons used almost exclusively for Indigenous prisoners, panel finds (May.30, 2023)

Deaths of Indigenous people in Atlantic Canadian jails spark calls for review, change (May.19, 2023)

Trial Begins for a Hereditary Chief Charged in the CGL Pipeline Conflict (May.17, 2023)

Trial begins for Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief accused of blocking Coastal GasLink pipeline (May.15, 2023)

For the Wet’suwet’en, latest RCMP raid confirms that reconciliation is ‘dead’ (Apr.5, 2023)

Land Defenders Call on Courts to Dismiss Criminal Contempt Charges (Mar.2, 2023)

Wet’suwet’en land defenders apply for charges to be stayed, alleging Charter violations (Mar.2, 2023)

Wet’suwe’ten leadership preparing for criminal trial over Coastal Gaslink (Jan.13, 2023)

Five Coastal GasLink pipeline opponents sentenced for criminal contempt (Dec.13, 2022)

Current Political Prisoners of the Stop Cop City / Defend Atlanta Forest Resistance Movement (PDF)

More Articles

Families of those killed by police officers remember loved ones in Vancouver art exhibit (Mar.15, 2023)

Family: Activist’s hands raised when shot by troopers near training center site (Mar.10, 2023)

We Got Us: A Case Study and Reflections on Supporting an Arrestee from the 2020 Uprisings (Mar.6, 2023)

Bank Backing ‘Cop City’ Targeted As Hundreds Take To Streets Of Atlanta Following Police Killing (Jan.22, 2023)




Canadian Tire Fire #53: Bail Reform For The Worse, Drug Decriminalization, And Prison Construction Updates (Feb.9, 2023)

Press Release: Gitxan and Wet’suwet’en Born Dale Culver’s Family Responds to BC Prosecution Service Approval of Manslaughter and Obstruction of Justice Charges against Prince George RCMP (Feb.2, 2023)

Inuk man who died in Montreal jail left on floor for more than 11 hours: coroner (Jan.19, 2023)


Canadian Tire Fire #51: New Years Noise Demos, A Deadly Month Inside Canadian Prisons (Jan.10, 2023)

NYE Noise Demos in Hamilton (Jan.2, 2023)

Images from the prison noise demo on a foggy new year’s eve in Montreal (Jan.1, 2023)

Police Watchdog Recommends Charges for Shooting Death of Jared Lowndes (Dec.2, 2022)

Hunger strikes against the solitary confinement of anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito in Italy (Dec.1, 2022)

How to Crush a Movement for Racial Justice, by Aaron Miguel Cantú & Kandist Mallett, (Nov.1, 2022)

One year after RCMP killed Wet’suwet’en man, loved ones push for justice (July 12, 2022)

Anna Mae Pictou Aquash: Warrior and Community Organizer, by M. Gouldhawke (2022)

Six months later, the public reckoning over policing and incarceration is ongoing, by Robyn Maynard (2021)

Collected articles on Justice for Jared Lowndes (2021)

Carceral Redlining: Yellowhead Institute infographics PDF, by Rai Reece and Yumi Numata (2020)

Abolish The Police: The Financial Cost Of Law Enforcement In Prairie Cities, by Emily Riddle (2020)

Injunctions have only served to prove the point: Canada is a smash-and-grab country for industry, by Shiri Pasternak and Irina Ceric (2020)

Canadian Imperialism & Institutional Racism: Connections between Black & Métis resistance movements, by M. Gouldhawke (2019/2020)

In Baltimore and Across the Country, Black Faces in High Places Haven’t Helped Average Black People, by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (2015)

Against Innocence: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Safety, by Jackie Wang (2012)

Passion for Freedom, interview with Jean Weir (2010)

An Exchange Between Sam Greenlee and Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite (2007)

Palm Island Insurrection, by M. Gouldhawke (2005)

Police Brutality, by M. Gouldhawke (2002)

Breaking out of the Ghetto / Illegality, by Jean Weir and Alfredo M. Bonanno (1988)

More links

CN won’t pursue contempt charges over Gitxsan rail blockade in northern B.C., CBC, January 27, 2022

Gitxsan Land Defenders’ Legal Fund

CN Rail wins right to privately prosecute northern B.C. rail blockade participants (Prince George Citizen, December 28, 2021)

Blockade Defense: Solidarity with all folks facing charges in the anti CGL pipeline struggle

Gidimt’en Territory: Solidarity is inclusive: We are one

After a Winter of Blockades: Updates on criminal charges from #ShutDownCanada (en / fr) | North Shore Counter-Info

Tyendinaga Legal Funds

1492 Land Back Lane Legal Fund

Choosing Real Safety: a Historic Declaration to Divest from Prisons and Policing and Build Safer Communities


Four Women Arrested at TMX Drill Site Bringing Total Arrests to Nine

Hereditary Chief and Former TMX Pipeline Engineer Arrested at TMX Drill Site

Federal prosecutors hold protesters for months pretrial, by Aaron Miguel Cantú

‘Go after the troublemakers’, by Anjali Kamat

Federal Prosecutors Engaged in Unprecedented Push to Jail Protestors Before Trial, by Aaron Miguel Cantú

The Black Elite Are an Obstacle Toward Black Liberation, by Kandist Mallett

Black Lives Matter Uprisings Lead to Charges for Young Protesters, by Kandist Mallett

Police Geographies, by Emily Kaufman

An Indigenous Abolitionist Study Guide, by the Toronto Abolition Convergence

Ungovernable: An Interview with Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin

How Black anarchists are keeping the protest movement alive, by Vanessa Taylor

The 50th Anniversary of the August 7th Marin County Courthouse Rebellion | Freedom Archives

Black August Booklist | Noname Book Club

As RCMP drop charges on Wet’suwet’en, OPP advance colonial agenda by charging over 20 Mohawks for standing up against genocide | Real People’s Media

Saidiya Hartman on insurgent histories and the abolitionist imaginary

Push It to No Limits, by Kandist Mallett

Possibilities, not policing with Robyn Maynard

Making Juneteenth a National Holiday Would Be Just Another Symbolic Gesture, by Kandist Mallett

What Would It Mean To Defund The Police?, by Sandy Hudson

The Black Lives Matter Revolution Can’t Be Co-Opted By Police and Lawmakers, by Kandist Mallett

“Do I believe we can have a police-free future in our lifetime? Absolutely”: Policing expert Robyn Maynard on how defunding would work in practice | Toronto Life

Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police, by Mariame Kaba

Ruth Wilson Gilmore Makes the Case for Abolition

Stealing Away in America, by Zoé Samudzi & Vicky Osterweil

‘Defund the Police’ Actually Means Defunding the Police, by Edward Ongweso Jr

‘Policing Black Lives’ author on confronting Canada’s historical amnesia, Black expendability, and the path forward | Canadian Dimension

Body cameras are not the answer, by Phillip Dwight Morgan

To shape the future, look to past Black Canadian activism, by Bee Quammie

Defunding The Police Will Save Black And Indigenous Lives In Canada, by Sandy Hudson

It’s long-past time to talk about policing of Black women in Canada, by Robyn Maynard

Remembering 27 Black, Indigenous, and racialized people killed by Canadian police, by Desmond Cole

Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex, by Angela Davis

It’s time to talk about police in our unions, by Ryan Hayes

Police protect corporations, not people, by Emily Riddle

Fatal encounters, by Saima Desai

Policing Black Lives: The Colour Line, by Robyn Maynard

The Brave-Hearted Women: The Struggle at Wounded Knee – Shirley Hill Witt (1976)