Anarchism & Indigenous Peoples

“No Olympics on Stolen Native Land” + “Sabotage the Systems of Social Control”, Vancouver, Coast Salish Territory, 2010

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Anarchists & Fellow Travellers on Palestine

Anarchists on National Liberation


“Well, yes, those who accused me, at the time of the [Kanak] revolt, of wishing for them the conquest of their freedom, were right. […] Let’s end the superiority that only manifests itself in destruction!”

Louise Michel, Mémoires (1886)

“Fascism, that is, a politico-economic state where the ruling class of each country behaves towards its own people as for several centuries it has behaved to the colonial peoples under its heel…”

Bart de Ligt, The Conquest of Violence (1937 English translation from 1935 French source)

“Our society is essentially communitarian, and a dream come true for anarchists of all kinds.”

Jimmy Ounei, from ‘Socialisme et société future’, Informations et Reflexions Libertaires, (Fev.85)


Tecumseh’s speech to Governor Harrison at Vincennes, Indiana Territory (August 12, 1810)

A Page in the History of Civilization, by F. Girard (1860)

History of Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh longshoremen, 1863–1963, from wikipedia

Our Colonizations, from Le Révolté (1884)

The Indians, from The Alarm (1884)

A Martyr, from The Alarm (1885)

Numbo, New Caledonia; The Bay of the West; Nouméa and the Return, by Louise Michel (1886)

Colonization, by Jean Grave (1893)

For Candia, by Errico Malatesta (1897)

Which Makes the Greater Savage, the Blanket or the Uniform?, by Emily G. Taylor (1902)

Our Indians, by Manuel González Prada (1904)

The Indigenous Problem, by Manuel González Prada (1906)

The Mexican People are Suited to Communism, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1911)

The Mexican Revolution, by Voltairine de Cleyre (1911)

A Reminiscence of Charlie James, by Honoré J. Jaxon (1911)

The War and the Anarchists, by Errico Malatesta (1912)

Concerning the Beginning of the End, from Tiempos Nuevos (1912)

The Social Revolution in Sonora, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1914)

Concerning Atrocities, by James Peter Warbasse (1915)

The Only Hope of Ireland, by Alexander Berkman (1916)

Colonization, by Mário Domingues (1919)

Declaration of the Korean Revolution, by Shin Chaeho (1923)

The Pacification of the Yaqui, by Librado Rivera (1927)

The Right of Peoples to Determine Themselves, from Solidaridad Obrera (1936)

What can we do?, by Camillo Berneri (1936)

Terrorism In Palestine: “Democracy” at Work, by Vernon Richards (1937)

Palestine: Idealists and Capitalists, by Vernon Richards (1938)

Anarchist Tactic for Palestine, by Albert Meltzer (1939)

National Independence, by Albert Meltzer (1942)

The Lebanon Crisis, by War Commentary (1943)

Man-Made Famines, by Marie Louise Berneri (1943)

Zionism, from War Commentary (1944)

Ten Years a Soldier, from War Commentary (1944)

Fine Day For The Race, by Albert Meltzer (1947)

Palestine, by Albert Meltzer (1948)

Malaya, by Albert Meltzer (1948)

Letter in memory of Marie Louise Berneri, from George Padmore (1949)

Algeria: The Kabyle Mentality, by Sail Mohamed (1951)

Long Live Free Algeria!, by the Libertarian Communist Federation (1954)

How to Survive in the Jungle, by James Herndon (1971)

Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle, by Alfredo M. Bonanno & Jean Weir (1976)

Kanak Society, by Jimmy Ounei (1982)

Some very common theoretical errors, by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1982)

Against the Corporate State, by Gary Butler (1983)

How We See It, by the Vancouver Five (1983)

Protect the Earth, by the Free the Five Defense Group (1983)

Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom, by Fredy Perlman (1983)

The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism, by Fredy Perlman (1984)

Anti-Imperialism, Nationhood and National Liberation, by Kuwasi Balagoon (1984)

Statement on the occasion of the demonstrations in solidarity with the Kanak people, by Daniel Guérin (1985)

Anarchists and the Wild West, by Franklin Rosemont (1986)

NATO Fighter Planes Invade Innu Territory, from Open Road (1987)

Against Imperialism: International Solidarity and Resistance, from Endless Struggle (1990)

Solidarity from Anti-Authoritarians, by Leonard Peltier (1991)

The Cairo Mutiny; Bounty on the Mutiny, by Albert Meltzer (1996)

Non-Western Anarchisms: Rethinking the Global Context, by Jason Adams (2002?)

Say No to the War of Fear, by Subcomandante Marcos of the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (2003)

Colonization, Self-Government and Self-Determination in British Columbia, by Insurgent-S (2003)

The Unconquered Mapuche, by M.Gouldhawke (2005)

Locating An Indigenous Anarchism, by Aragorn! (2005)

Bows and Arrows Hall, by Past Tense Vancouver (2009)

Audio interview with Wade Crawford from Six Nations of the Grand River (2010)

From Protest to Resistance: A Report on the Campaign Against the 2010 Olympics, by Zig Zag (2010) | PDF

Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870–1940, edited by Steven Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt (2010) | PDF

Bows and Arrows, by Past Tense Vancouver (2012)

Preview: “Working on the Water, Fighting for the Land”, by Tania Willard and the Graphic History Collective (2014)

Land, Labour and Loss: A Story of Struggle & Survival at the Burrard Inlet, by Taté Walker (2015)

Visions of a Radical Labour Movement, by Amber Gross and Molly Swain (2015)

“Come O Lions! Let Us Cause a Mutiny:” Anarchism and the Subaltern, by Tariq Khan (2015)

Mexican Workers in the IWW and the Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM), by Devra Anne Weber (2016)

Black Anarchism: A Reader, by the Black Rose Anarchist Federation (2016)

Gord Hill, Indigenous Artist and Anarchist, An Interview by CrimethInc (2017)

Civilization vs Solidarity: Louise Michel and the Kanaks, by Carolyn J. Eichner (2017)

The Futures Past of Internationalism: A Conversation with Benita Parry, from Viewpoint Magazine (2018)

Autonomously and with Conviction: A Métis Refusal of State-Led Reconciliation, by Tawinikay (2018)

Language of Imperialism, Language of Liberation: Louise Michel & the Kanak-French Colonial Encounter, by Carolyn J. Eichner (2019)

At Our Expense, by Molly Swain (2019)

Fire Walk With Me: a report back from the indigenous anarchist convergence (2019)

Indigenous Anarchist Convergence – Report Back, by Indigenous Action (2019)

Carrying the war into Africa?: Anarchism, Morocco, and the Spanish Civil War, by Danny Evans (2020)

Fitz St. John: A Longshoreman’s Longshoreman, by the ILWU (2020)

Reconciliation is Dead, by Tawinikay (2020)

In the Navajo Nation, Anarchism Has Indigenous Roots, by Cecilia Nowell (2020)

Indigeneity, Sovereignty, Anarchy: A Dialog With Many Voices, by Gord Hill & Allan Antliff (2021)

By All Means, Anti-Politics, by M.Gouldhawke (2021)

The IWW in Canada, by Mark Leier and Working Class History (2021)

National Liberation, Social Revolution and Organised Anarchism: the case of French Anarchists and Algeria, by Mya Violet Walmsley (2021)

Unknowable: Against an Indigenous Anarchist Theory, by Klee Benally, Ya’iishjááshch’ilí (2021)

Untenable History, by Carolyn Nakamura (2022)

Palestine, platitudes and silence, by Tommy Lawson (2023)

Invasion Day and Decolonisation, by Geelong Anarchist Communists (2024)
