Land Back

Fish-in, pacific northwest, 1971 (source didn’t provide a better description)


Table of contents

  1. Primary documents from the resistance movement
  2. Websites
  3. Comics
  4. Timelines & secondary documentation
  5. Documentary films
  6. Recommended books

Primary documents from the resistance movement


Tecumseh’s speech to Governor Harrison at Vincennes, Indiana Territory (1810)

Declaration of the People of Rupert’s Land and the North-West, by the Provisional Government (1869)

An Appeal for Justice, by Louis Riel (1885)

The Sea-Serpent, by Tekahionwake (1911)

The Last Speech of Deskaheh (1925)

The Domain of the Marvelous, by Suzanne Césaire (1941)

Racism and Culture, by Frantz Fanon (1956)

The Pitfalls of National Consciousness, by Frantz Fanon (1961)

We Do Take Exception to This Term “Rebellion”, by Malcolm Norris (1962)

The Indian Claims Commission is illegal, unjust and criminal, by Karoniaktajeh (1965)

The Last Indian War, by Janet McCloud (1966)

Is the Trend Changing?, by Laura McCloud (1969)

Proclamation of the Indians of All Tribes at Alcatraz (1969)

Native Alliance for Red Power – Eight Point Program (1969)

What is the New Breed? (1969)

We Have Endured, We Are Indians, by the Pit River Indian Council (1970)

Capitalism, the Final Stage of Exploitation, by Lee Carter (1970)

This Country Was a Lot Better Off When the Indians Were Running It, by Vine Deloria Jr. (1970)

Métis Women Against the “Adopt Indian and Métis” Program, by Phyllis Trotchie, Nora Thibodeau & Vicki Racette (1971)

Battleford Hangings, from Saskatchewan Indian (1972)

Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Position Paper (1972)

The Need for a Revolutionary Struggle, by Howard Adams (1972)

The Six Nation Iroquois Confederacy stands in support of our brothers at Wounded Knee (1973)

The Truth About the Anicinabe Park Occupation of 1974, by Linda Finlayson

“When People Are Calling, You Go” – The first hand account of Eetsah, an Indigenous woman who took part in the Native Peoples Caravan (1974)

Maria Campbell’s speech to the Native Peoples Caravan in Toronto (1974)

Manifesto of the Native Peoples’ Caravan (1974)

Ganienkeh Manifesto (1974)

Declaration of Continuing Independence, by the First International Indian Treaty Council (1974)

The Dene Declaration (1975)

I Believe in the Laws of Nature – Anna Mae Pictou Aquash’s Statement to the Court of South Dakota (1975)

Cultural Genocide, Intentionally Planned, by Rose Bishop (1975)

The Form of the Struggle For Liberation, by Howard Adams (1975)

The Inuit of Greenland: A Brief History, by Malik (1975)

The Brave-Hearted Women: The Struggle at Wounded Knee, by Shirley Hill Witt (1976)

Anna Mae Lived and Died For All of Us, by the Boston Indian Council (1976)

So I Started Fighting For My People, by John Waubanascum Jr. (1976)

Palestinians and Native People are Brothers, by the Native Study Group (1976)

400 Years Later, by Leonard Peltier (1976)

Gitksan-Carrier [Wet’suwet’en] Declaration (1977)

Spiritualism: The Highest Form of Political Consciousness, from Akwesasne Notes (1978)

The Red Path and Socialism, by ᐊᓯᓂ Vern Harper (1979)

Marxism from a Native Perspective, by John Mohawk (1981)

Kanak Society, by Jimmy Ounei (1982)

Robotization: A Second Industrial Revolution, by John Mohawk (1983)

Against the Corporate State, by Gary Butler (1983)

Traditional Indian Government: Of the People, by the People, for the People, by Marie Smallface-Marule (1984)

‘Marxism and Native Americans’, reviewed by Howard Adams (1984)

Mad Bear Wallace Anderson: Tuscarora Activist 1927-1985, by Kanentiio (1986)

Innu Campaign Against the Militarization of Ntesinan, by Ben Michel (1986)

Medric McDougall: Metis Elder and Organizer (1988)

No Surrender – Howard Adams on the Oka Crisis (1990)

How to Become an Activist in One Easy Lesson, by Joe Tehawehron David (1991)

Solidarity from Anti-Authoritarians, by Leonard Peltier (1991)

Thoughts on the Constitution and Aboriginal Self-Government, by Howard Adams (1992)

Overshadowed National Liberation Wars, by Howard Adams (1992)

First Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, by the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (1993)

Second Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, by the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (1994)

The Struggle for Kanaky, by Susanna Ounei-Small (1995)

Decolonising Feminism, by Susanna Ounei-Small (1995)

Challenge to Colonized Culture, by Howard Adams (1995)

Whose Land is It? – Interview with Wolverine (1997)

What is the Meaning of Sovereignty?, by Sharon H. Venne (1998)

Redemption, by Standing Deer, Seth Tobocman, Barbara Lee (2000)

What is the Native Youth Movement? (2002)

Indigenous Intifada: Federal MP Compares Natives to Palestinians (2002)

Sutikalh – It Takes a Whole Community to Stop a Ski Resort, by Zig-Zag (2002)

No More! On the blockade at Grassy Narrows, by Chrissy Swain (2004)

Sovereignty, by Monica Charles (2005)

Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona, by the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (2005)

Colonization and Decolonization, by Warrior Publications (2006)

We need to return to the principles of Wahkotowin, by Maria Campbell (2007)

Audio interview with Wade Crawford from Six Nations of the Grand River (2010)

Colonization: A War for Territory, by Zig-Zag (2012 / 1999)

‘Land is a Relationship’: In conversation with Glen Coulthard on Indigenous nationhood (2015)

38, written and read by Layli Long Soldier (2017)

Autonomously and with Conviction: A Métis Refusal of State-Led Reconciliation, by Tawinikay (2018)

“I have the inalienable right to protect this land”, by Emily Riddle and Jo-Ann Saddleback (2020)

Land Back means protecting Black and Indigenous trans women, by jaye simpson (2020)

Sexual sovereignty, by Adrienne Huard and Jacqueline Pelland (2020)

mâmawiwikowin: Shared First Nations and Métis jurisdiction on the Prairies, by Emily Riddle (2020)

This Prairie city is land, too, by Jas M. Morgan (2020)

Wet’suwet’en Strong: Who are the Indigenous artists on the front lines of the land defence and protest rallies for Wet’suwet’en?, by Lindsay Nixon (2020)

Reckoning with genocide and the denialism of the Canadian state: An interview with Indigenous scholar Tamara Starblanket, by Aziz Choudry (2021)

Unknowable: Against an Indigenous Anarchist Theory, by Klee Benally, Ya’iishjááshch’ilí (2021)

The birds shall return: Imagining Palestinian feminist futurities, by Tara Alami and Rawan Nabil (2022)

Miranda Dick, Secwépemc Hereditary Matriarch, writes a guide for youth who are called to the frontlines (2022)

MMIWG2S+ and the Failure of Policing, by Nickita Longman (2023)

Resistance & Sovereignty at Grassy Narrows First Nation, by Taina Da Silva (2024)


Gidimt’en Yintah Access

Unist’ot’en Camp

Protect the Tract: Haldimand Tract Moratorium

Ganienkeh Territory

Warrior Publications

Coffee with my Ma

Enlace Zapatista

Women’s Coordinating Committee For a Free Wallmapu

Transnationally Indigenous


War on the Coast: The Illegal Formation of British Columbia, by Warrior Publications (2006)

An Anti-Colonial History of “British Columbia,” A graphic narrative of resistance, by Gord Hill (2011)

Gord Hill’s anti-colonial, anti-fascist comics (2020)

Timelines & secondary documentation

The Mexican People are Suited to Communism, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1911)

The Social Revolution in Sonora, by Ricardo Flores Magón (1914)

The Pacification of the Yaqui, by Librado Rivera (1927)

Wounded Knee: The Longest War 1890-1973, from Black Flag (1974)

Indian Activist Killed: Body Found on Pine Ridge, by Candy Hamilton (1976)

Events Surrounding Recent Murders on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, by I. T. Creswell, Jr., S. H. Witt (1976)

Repression on Pine Ridge, by the Amherst Native American Solidarity Committee (1976)

Chronology of Oppression at Pine Ridge, from Victims of Progress (1977)

Anna Mae Aquash, Indian Warrior, by Susan Van Gelder (1979)

Indian Activist’s Bold Life on Film, by John Tuvo (1980)

Indian Wars in Quebec, by Peter McFarlane (1981)

Indigenous Resistance, 1960s to 2007, by Warrior Publications (2007)

The Fish-in Protests at Franks Landing, by Gabriel Chrisman (2009)

The Carver’s [John T. Williams’] Life, by Neal Thompson (2011)

The Red River Jig Around the Convention of “Indian” Title: The Métis and Half-Breed Dos à Dos, by Darren O’Toole (2012)

IdleNoMore in Historical Context, by Glen Coulthard (2012)

Calling Badger and the Symbols of the Spirit Language: The Cree Origins of the Syllabic System, by Winona Stevenson (2012)

Colonial Legacy of the CCF: An interview with Allyson Stevenson (2016)

Selling the Sixties Scoop: Saskatchewan’s Adopt Indian and Métis Project, by Allyson Stevenson (2017)

Liberation from “That Vicious System”: Jim Brady’s 20th Century Métis Cooperatives and Colonial State Responses, by Molly Swain (2018)

The night the residential school burned to the ground — and the students cheered, by David Shield (2018)

Court of contention: A look back at crimes that divided a province, by Barb Pacholik (2018)

From scrip to road allowances: Canada’s complicated history with the Métis, from CBC Unreserved (2019)

Trancestry: Aiyyana Maracle (1950–2016), by Arielle Twist (2020)

Remembering David Dennis (2020)

AIM Occupation of Fairchild Plant on Navajo Reservation, by Elias Gold (2020)

Six Nations appeals to the League of Nations, 1922-31 (2020)

Remembering Lee Maracle (2021)

“We want action now:” Indigenous Women, Prison Activism, and the 1983 Kent Hunger Strike, by Tania Willard, Sarah Nickel and Eryk Martin (2021)

We Need to Honor Richard Thariwasate Oakes, by Doug George-Kanentiio (2022)

Remembering Jeff Barnaby (2022)

Warrior Publications

B.C. Native Blockades & Direct Action: from the 1980s to 2006, by Warrior Publications

Oka Crisis, 1990, by Warrior Publications

Ts’Peten (Gustafsen Lake), 1995, by Warrior Publications

Ipperwash/Aazhoodena 1995, by Warrior Publications

Biological Warfare: Disease and Depopulation, by Zig-Zag

More texts

Anna Mae Pictou Aquash: Warrior and Community Organizer (2022)

Indigenous labour struggles (2022)

Land Back: The matrilineal descent of modern Indigenous land reclamation (2020)

100 years of land struggle (2020)

A Condensed History of Canada’s Colonial Cops (2020)

From Six Nations of the Grand River to Tyendinaga (2006-2008)

Links to 1492 Land Back Lane

Wet’suwet’en / Gitxsan / Haudenosaunee / Mi’gmaq Strong

Prisoner Resistance Across the Prairies

Secwepemc History of Resistance

Mohawks Kick Cops Off Rez

Native Spirituality in Prisons

Palm Island Insurrection

The Unconquered Mapuche

Indigenous Uprisings in Ecuador

Indigenous Insurrections in Bolivia & Peru

Mining: Stealing the Land from Under Us

Reading lists

Voices of Indigenous Women

Métis Writing

Palestine (some collected links)

Anarchists & Fellow Travellers on Palestine

Anarchism & Indigenous Peoples

Marxism & Indigenous Peoples

Documentary films

Hi-resolution version of ‘Uranium’ at NFB

Two Worlds Colliding (2004)

Birth of a Family (2017)

nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up (2019)

Recommended books

The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon (1961)

An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States, by Kyle T. Mays (2021)

Bobbi Lee Indian Rebel, by Lee Maracle (1990 / 1975) (+ I Am Woman; Memory Serves; My Conversations with Canadians)

Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties: An Indian Declaration of Independence, by Vine Deloria Jr. (1974)

The One-and-a-Half Men: The Story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, by Murray Dobbin (1981)

Halfbreed, by Maria Campbell (2019 / 1973)

Prison of Grass (1975); Tortured People, by Howard Adams (1999)

The Fourth World, by George Manuel (2019 / 1974)

The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, by Gord Hill

The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book, by Gord Hill

Following the Red Path, by ᐊᓯᓂ Vern Harper

Red Skin, White Masks, by Glen Coulthard (2014)

Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan: Our Dream is that Our Peoples Will One Day be Clearly Recognized as Nations, by Harold Cardinal, W. Hildebrand (2000)

Nationhood Interrupted: Revitalizing Nêhiyaw Legal Systems, by Sylvia McAdam (2015)

Return to the Source: Selected Speeches of Amilcar Cabral (1973)

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