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Texts on other sites

6 ways Justin Trudeau is misleading Canadians about immigration, by The Breach (2024)

The Crisis in Haiti is the Result of Racist Colonialism, by Krys Cerisier (2024)

Dismantling the Haitian state (feat. Canada), by The Breach (2024)

How Canada helps build Israel’s fighter jets, by The Breach (2024)

Mining Blackness, by Fitsum Areguy (2024)

Ghost in a Rhetorical Machine: Against the reification of artificial intelligence, by Zhanpei Fang (2024)

The End of Lean Production… and What’s Ahead, by Kim Moody (2024)

On the connection between war and capitalism: The ABC of the war economy, by Oliver Schlaudt and Daniel Burnfin (2024)

Imperialism’s Shell Game, by Darryl Li (2024)

The Preventive Counter-Revolution: Essay by an Anarchist on Fascism, by Luigi Fabbri (1922)

Anarchism and Other Essays, by Emma Goldman (1910)

The Conquest of Bread, by Peter Kropotkin (1892)

Anarchism: Arguments for and against, by Albert Meltzer (1996)

The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (2019)

Ideas on Social Organization, by James Guillaume (1876)

Lean Production: Why Work is Worse Than Ever, and What’s the Alternative?, by Charlie Post and Jane Slaughter (2000)

Management by Stress, by Jane Slaughter (1990)

To Praise Ginger Goodwin Is to Revere a Radical, by Mark Leier (2014)

Ginger Goodwin is killed near Cumberland [in 1918], by John Mackie / The Vancouver Sun (2018)

Between Canada and the USA : a tale of immigrants and anarchists, by Attilio Bortolotti and Rossella Di Leo (2004)

Attilio Bortolotti, 1903-1995: He Lived for the Ideal, by Fifth Estate Collective and Paul Avrich (1995)

Remembering Federico Arcos, by David Watson (2016)

The State: Its Historic Role, by Peter Kropotkin (1896)

The Modern State, by Peter Kropotkin (1913)

An anarchist guide to Christmas, by Ruth Kinna (2014)

The Coming Desert: Kropotkin, Mars and the Pulse of Asia, by Mike Davis (2016)

Kropotkin Was No Crackpot, by Stephen Jay Gould (1997)

The Origin of the State, by Harold Barclay (2003)

Enragés and Situationists in the Occupations Movement, by René Viénet (1968)

Or Just Say Nothing: A Response to CrimethInc.’s Initial Statement on Aaron Bushnell, by anonymous (2024)

Donations Accepted for the Family of Klee Benally (2023)

Bay Native Circle – January 3, 2024 (episode dedicated to Klee Benally)

ICWA & Continued Legislation of Indigenous Existence, by Indigenous Action (2023)

Unknowable: Against an Indigenous Anarchist Theory, by Klee Benally, Ya’iishjááshch’ilí (2021)

Invasion Day and Decolonisation, by Geelong Anarchist Communists (2024)

Land Back means protecting Black and Indigenous trans women, by jaye simpson (2020)

Trancestry: Aiyyana Maracle (1950–2016), by Arielle Twist (2020)

To the People, by Los Quijotes del Ideal (1937)

A Soldier Returns, from One Big Union Monthly (1937)

Reminiscences of Spain, by Raymond Galstad (1938)

Anatoli Zhelezniakov, by Paul Avrich (1980)

The Tyranny of the Clock, by George Woodcock (1944)

A Soldier’s Story: Revolutionary Writings by a New Afrikan Anarchist, by Kuwasi Balagoon

Powley, Rights Recognition, and the Rise of “Métis Denialism”: A Response to First Nations’ Calls for Accountability, by Stephen Mussell (2023)

Palestine, platitudes and silence, by Tommy Lawson (2023)

It’s almost Winnipeg’s 150, but we really shouldn’t be celebrating, by Simon Pensato (2023)

Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom, by Fredy Perlman

Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native, by Patrick Wolfe

A Call to Reconsider the Métis Self-Government Agreement in Ontario, by Celeste Pedri-Spade, Damien Lee, Geraldine King, Jennifer Meness, Brock Pitawanakwat, Veldon Coburn, Tricia McGuire-Adams and waaseyaa’sin Christine Sy

The Value Theory of Labour, by Diane Elson

The Roaring Silence: A Critical Commentary on Søren Mau’s Mute Compulsion, by Richard Hunsinger

MMIWG2S+ and the Failure of Policing, by Nickita Longman

Untenable History, by Carolyn Nakamura

On the Question of Allies, by Zig-Zag

Another Word for Settle: A Response to Rattachements and Inhabit

The Reproduction of Daily Life, by Fredy Perlman

Shortcut to the Absolute, by James Crane

The Destruction of Nature, by Anton Pannekoek

Value Theory, by Anton Pannekoek

Value, Price and Profit, by Karl Marx

38, written and read by Layli Long Soldier

Trancestry: Aiyyana Maracle (1950–2016), by Arielle Twist

Sexual sovereignty, by Adrienne Huard and Jacqueline Pelland

The Optics of the Language: How Joi T. Arcand Looks with Words, by Billy-Ray Belcourt

Calling Badger and the Symbols of the Spirit Language: The Cree Origins of the Syllabic System, by Winona Stevenson

Covid-19, the Numbered Treaties & the Politics of Life, by Gina Starblanket and Dallas Hunt

The Space NDN’s Star Map, by Lou Cornum

Burial Ground Acknowledgements, by Lou Cornum

American History, by Lou Cornum

Desiring the Tribe, by Lou Cornum

The Creation Story is a Spaceship, by Lou Cornum

How First Nation fire wisdom is key to megafire prevention

UNDRIP’s fundamental flaw, by Hayden King

Reforming child welfare first step toward reconciliation, by Cindy Blackstock and Sébastien Grammond

The revolution will be translated, by Jane Shi

Wet’suwet’en Strong: Who are the Indigenous artists on the front lines of the land defence and protest rallies for Wet’suwet’en?, by Lindsay Nixon

Inuit Statement of Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

Solidarity Statement: Asians in Support of Wet’suwet’en Jurisdiction and Governance

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) Resource Guide, by the Lakota People’s Law Project

Violence Against Indigenous Women, by Warrior Publications

The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-Class Perspective, by Angela Davis

The Gendered Circuit: Reading The Arcane of Reproduction, by Maya Gonzalez

The Logic of Gender: On the Separation of Spheres and the Process of Abjection, by Maya Gonzalez and Jeanne Neton

Abjection and Abstraction: An Interview with Maya Gonzalez and Jeanne Neton

Communization and the Abolition of Gender, by Maya Gonzalez

Notes on the New Housing Question, by Maya Gonzalez

Patriarchy and Commodity Society: Gender without the Body, by Roswitha Scholz

To Abolish the Family, by ME O’Brien

The Democratic State: Critique of Bourgeois Sovereignty, by Karl Held and Audrey Hill

A Contribution to the Critique of Political Autonomy, by Gilles Dauvé and Karl Nesic

Afro-Blue Notes: The Death of Afro-pessimism (2.0)?, by Greg Thomas

The American Worker, by Paul Romano and Ria Stone (Grace Lee Boggs)

The Conference in London, by Anselmo Lorenzo

Commodity Fetishism, by Fredy Perlman

Against Quarantine, How responses to the new corona virus territorialize disease and capitalize on a virus, by Angela Mitropoulos

Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, by William Blum

Clifford Harper

Vancouver Anarchist Online Archive


Open Road Archive

Vancouver Yippie

Robert Graham’s Anarchism Blog

Martin Sostre Archive

Stuart Christie Memorial Archive

Kate Sharpley Library

Translations by Anarcho

Archivo Magón

Works of B. Traven

The Anarchist Library

Anarchist Archive

Riot for Liberty

Black Flag Anarchist Review

Libertarian Labyrinth

Sparrows’ Nest Library and Archive

Forgotten Anarchism




Red & Black Notes

Revolution’s Newsstand

We Never Forget: The Labor Martyrs Project

Transnationally Indigenous

The People and the Text

Shekon Neechie (Indigenous History)

Graphic History Collective

Active History

Industrial Workers of the World

Judge Sabo

Fugitive Distro

Puget Sound Anarchists


Taller Ahuehuete

Haters Cafe


Critic of Political Economy

Counseling Communism

Brown Recluse Zine Distro



Briarpatch Magazine

Abolition Notes

Unist’ot’en Camp

Gidimt’em Yintah Access

Yellowhead Institute

Indigenous Action

Winnipeg Police Cause Harm

Saskatchewan Manitoba Alberta Abolition Coalition

Midnight Sun Magazine

Work Safe Twerk Safe

Parkdale Organize

Encampment Support Network – Toronto

Keep Your Rent – Toronto

Sqeq’petsin (For clean water and healthy salmon) | Secwepemc Say No TMX

Blockade Defense:
Solidarity with all folks facing charges in the anti CGL pipeline struggle

Choosing Real Safety: a Historic Declaration to Divest from Prisons and Policing and Build Safer Communities


Red Rising Magazine

The New Inquiry

Society & Space

Media Indigena

Métis in Space

Sovereign Likhts’amisyu

Nlaka’pamux Grassroots

Warrior Publications

Onkwehonwe Rising

Ganienkeh Territory

âpihtawikosisân: Law, Language, Culture

kâ-pimotêt aski-iskwêw (Walking Earth Woman)

Dibaajimowin (Storytelling)

Women’s Coordinating Committee For a Free Wallmapu

Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty

Finding Cleo (CBC)
A Cree family’s search for their missing sister Cleopatra Semaganis Nicotine and attempts to uncover why she and her five siblings were taken into government care in the early 1970s and adopted into non-Indigenous families in Canada and the United States

Prole Info

North Shore Counter-Info

Prole Wave


Hic Salta – Communisation

Elephant Editions

Indigenous women speak on the John Graham, Leonard Peltier and Anna Mae Pictou Aquash cases (2005-2007)

John Graham Defense Committee

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee