“All red races are born Socialists, and most tribes carry out their communistic ideas to the letter. Amongst the Iroquois it is considered disgraceful to have food if your neighbour has none. To be a creditable member of the nation you must divide your possessions with your less fortunate fellows.”
Tekahionwake (E. Pauline Johnson), The Sea-Serpent (1911)
“That is why we maintain that the Colonies are the breeding-ground for the type of fascist mentality which is being let loose in Europe today.”
George Padmore, How Britain Rules Africa (1936)
“But I also revived our old stories as a means to frame modern stories like myth-making. The first time I ever saw that done I was about ten or eleven and someone gave me a copy of ‘Tales of Vancouver’ by E. Pauline Johnson and Capilano who was a direct relative of mine was retelling the story of the sea serpent, but he was predicting what is happening now, the industrialization of Canada, and that was 1880. I thought, that’s what I want to do. I want to retell these stories as if they were happening now.”
Lee Maracle (Stó:lō), interviewed by Tania Willard (Secwepemc), Redwire Magazine (April 2003)
Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist, by Karl Marx (1867)
Distribution Relations and Production Relations, by Karl Marx (1883)
The Sea-Serpent, by Tekahionwake (1911)
Indian Agriculture in America, by Abner E. Woodruff / IWW (1919)
The Pitfalls of National Consciousness, by Frantz Fanon (1961)
In Janitzio Death is not Scary, by Amadeo Bordiga (1961)
Native Alliance for Red Power – Eight Point Program (1969)
Capitalism, the Final Stage of Exploitation – Lee Carter (1970)
The Need for a Revolutionary Struggle – Howard Adams (1972)
Maria Campbell’s Speech to the Native Peoples Caravan (1974)
Cultural Genocide, Intentionally Planned – Rose Bishop (1975)
The Form of the Struggle For Liberation – Howard Adams (1975)
Anna Mae Aquash, Indian Warrior – Susan Van Gelder (1979)
The Red Path and Socialism – ᐊᓯᓂ Vern Harper (1979)
Marxism from a Native Perspective – John Mohawk (1981)
Marxism and Native Americans – Reviewed by Howard Adams (1984)
Karl Marx and the Iroquois, by Franklin Rosemont (1989)
No Surrender – Howard Adams on the Oka Crisis (1990)
Thoughts on the Constitution and Aboriginal Self-Government – Howard Adams (1992)
Challenge to Colonized Culture – Howard Adams (1995)
A Poetics of Anticolonialism, by Robin D.G. Kelley (1999)
Canada’s Other Red Scare, by Scott Rutherford (2011) | PDF
‘Land is a Relationship’: In conversation with Glen Coulthard on Indigenous nationhood (2015)
The Colonialism of the Present: An Interview with Glen Coulthard by Andrew Bard Epstein (2015)
The Specificity of Imperialism, by Salar Mohandesi (2018)
Liberation from “That Vicious System”: Jim Brady’s 20th Century Métis Cooperatives and Colonial State Responses – Molly Swain (2018)
Communization and Decolonization, by Ediciones Inéditas (2019)
Land Back: The matrilineal descent of modern Indigenous land reclamation – M.Gouldhawke (2020)
Shainape Shcapwe, Native American Marxist-Humanist and Feminist – Marxist Humanist Initiative (2020)
The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon (1961)
The Fourth World, by George Manuel (1974)
Bobbi Lee, Indian Rebel, by Lee Maracle (1975)
Prison of Grass, by Howard Adams (1975)
Following the Red Path, by ᐊᓯᓂ Vern Harper (1979)
The One-and-a-Half Men: The Story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, by Murray Dobbin (1981)
Roots of Oppression, by Steve Talbot (1981)
Chapter 14, “Another Side of Me”, I Am Woman, by Lee Maracle (1988)
Contemporary Challenges: Conversations with Canadian Native Authors, by Hartmut Lutz (1991)
A Tortured People, by Howard Adams (1995)
Howard Adams : Otapawy!: The Life of a Metis Leader in His Own Words and in Those of His Contemporaries, edited by Hartmut Lutz, Murray Hamilton, and Donna Heimbecker (2005)
The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book, by Gord Hill (2012)
Red Skin, White Masks, by Glen Coulthard (2014)
“Understanding Raven”, Memory Serves, by Lee Maracle (2015)
Chapter 8, “Jack Scott and the left”, My Conversations with Canadians, by Lee Maracle (2017)