
A Girl Called Echo, written by Katherena Vermette, illustrated by Scott B. Henderson & Donovan Yaciuk

Métis texts on this site

An Appeal for Justice – Louis Riel (1885)

We Do Take Exception to This Term “Rebellion” – Malcolm Norris (1962)

What is the New Breed? (1969)

Capitalism, the Final Stage of Exploitation – Lee Carter (1970)

Métis Women Against the “Adopt Indian and Métis” Program – Phyllis Trotchie, Nora Thibodeau & Vicki Racette (1971)

The Need for a Revolutionary Struggle – Howard Adams (1972)

Maria Campbell’s speech to the Native Peoples Caravan in Toronto (1974)

The Truth About the Anicinabe Park Occupation of 1974 – Linda Finlayson

Cultural Genocide, Intentionally Planned – Rose Bishop (1975)

The Form of the Struggle For Liberation – Howard Adams (1975)

The Development of Capitalism and the Subjugation of Native Women in Northern Canada – Ron Bourgeault (1983)

Marxism and Native Americans – Reviewed by Howard Adams (1984)

Medric McDougall: Metis Elder and Organizer (1988)

No Surrender – Howard Adams on the Oka Crisis (1990)

Thoughts on the Constitution and Aboriginal Self-Government – Howard Adams (1992)

Overshadowed National Liberation Wars – Howard Adams (1992)

The Killing of Leo LaChance – Ron Bourgeault (1994)

Challenge to Colonized Culture – Howard Adams (1995)

We need to return to the principles of Wahkotowin – Maria Campbell (2007)

From Red River to Unist’ot’en: An Unconventional Timeline of Police Repression and Indigenous Resistance (2019)

Canadian Imperialism & Institutional Racism: Connections between Black & Métis resistance movements (2019/2020)

Land Back: The matrilineal descent of modern Indigenous land reclamation – M. Gouldhawke (2020)

Against false claims to Métis territorial rights in British Columbia – M. Gouldhawke (2020)

Remembering Lee Maracle (2021)

Métis blogs / podcasts / pages / books

kâ-pimotêt aski-iskwêw (Walking Earth Woman)

Mekadebinesikwe Kai Minosh Pyle

âpihtawikosisân: Law, Language, Culture

Samantha Marie Nock (@ Medium)

Samantha Marie Nock (website + poetry)

Jas M. Morgan

Blog Woman!!! – Life Uncategorized

masinahikan iskwêwak – Book Women Podcast

The People and the Text

Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture | Gabriel Dumont Institute

The Mamawi Project

Métis Stories | Dibaajimowin

Links to Métis and relevant articles on other sites

Declaration of the People of Rupert’s Land and the North-West, by the Provisional Government (1869)

The School in Sakitawak, by Samantha Nock (2021)

Powley, Rights Recognition, and the Rise of “Métis Denialism”: A Response to First Nations’ Calls for Accountability, by Stephen Mussell

From scrip to road allowances: Canada’s complicated history with the Métis (CBC Unreserved)

Do Métis Have Rights In British Columbia? Let Our Métis People Be Heard In A Good Way, by Stephen Mussell

mâmawiwikowin: Shared First Nations and Métis jurisdiction on the Prairies, by Emily Riddle

Racial Homeopathy, and “Eastern Métis” Identity Claims, by Darren O’Toole

Metis Harvesting In Alberta: Violence, Racism & Resistance, by Conor Kerr

An Analysis of the Métis Nation of Ontario’s Recognition of Six New Historic Métis Communities, by Darryl Leroux(*) and Darren O’Toole | PDF

Métis Statement of Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

Wet’suwet’en Strong, by Lindsay Nixon

The Lost Days of Columbus, by Lee Maracle

At Our Expense, by Molly Swain

Autonomously and with Conviction: A Métis Refusal of State-Led Reconciliation, by Tawinikay

Liberation from “That Vicious System”: Jim Brady’s 20th Century Métis Cooperatives and Colonial State Responses , by Molly Swain

Saw Your Instagram, by Samantha Nock

Louis Riel: Hero, heretic, nation builder, by Darren O’Toole

Toward a Métis homeland, by Darren O’Toole

The Red River Jig Around the Convention of “Indian” Title: The Métis and Half-Breed Dos à Dos, by Darren O’Toole

The Law and Politics of Métis Title, by Karen Drake and Adam Gaudry

The Selkirk Treaty of 1817, by Adam Gaudry

The Metis cultural brokers and the western numbered treaties, 1869-1877, by Allyson Stevenson

Selling the Sixties Scoop: Saskatchewan’s Adopt Indian and Métis Project, by Allyson Stevenson

Colonial Legacy of the CCF: An interview with Allyson Stevenson

Hidden from history: Indigenous women’s activism in Saskatchewan, by Allyson Stevenson

Intimate integration: A study of aboriginal transracial adoption in Saskatchewan, 1944-1984, by Allyson Stevenson

Katherena Vermette on writing about Annie Bannatyne in This Place: 150 Years Retold

Sixties Scoop left heart wrenching legacy for Métis families, too, by Cullen Crozier

Great Manitoba: A story of race, labour, corruption and murder that shaped a province, by Owen Toews

The Reign of Terror Against the Métis of Red River, by Lawrence J. Barkwell


Intimate Integration: A History of the Sixties Scoop and the Colonization of Indigenous Kinship, by Allyson D. Stevenson

“Métis”: Race, Recognition, and the Struggle for Indigenous Peoplehood, by Chris Andersen

Contours of a People: Metis Family, Mobility, and History, edited by Nicole St-Onge(*), Carolyn Podruchny(*), Brenda Macdougall, foreword by Maria Campbell

The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Métis, Jacqueline Peterson (Editor), Jennifer S.H. Brown (Editor) (*Edited by and featuring non-Métis writers and academics, but also features an important article by Métis writer and historian Olive P. Dickason)

The Law of Nations and the New World, by L. C. Green(*) and Olive Patricia Dickason

The One-and-a-Half Men: The Story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, by Murray Dobbin(*), preface by Maria Campbell

By Rita Bouvier (Métis), published in a book she co-edited in 2001