
Room for Critique

In Keston Sutherland’s article, Marx in Jargon, he asserts that there is a misunderstood idea about Marx’s book Capital, due to certain English mistranslations, as he describes them, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling, and later Ben Fowkes.


The Death of the Bourgeois System – Ricardo Flores Magón (1915)

“In the villages there are no police, and, for the same reason, order reigns in them. There are no rich people, so there is no need for police.”


Controllers and Controlled – Lucía Sánchez Saornil (1937)

“This was the first revolutionary error. By maintaining the government, its old bourgeois structure was respected and around it the whole weight of the bureaucratic apparatus that it had sustained up to that point.”


The Facts of Anarchy – Itō Noe (1921)

“In particular, some socialists … sneer at the ‘dream’ of anarchism. Yet I have found that it is not a dream, but something aspects of which have been realized in the autonomy of the villages inherited from our ancestors.”


The Politician is Not My Shepherd – Covington Hall (1933)

“There is nothing to it
As the Bible says
‘All politicians are liars’
Therefore, if ye would be ‘saved’
Save yourselves”


The IWW and Political Parties – Vincent St. John (1910)

“The only value that political activity has to the working class is from the standpoint of agitation and education. Its educational merit consists solely in proving to the workers its utter inefficacy to curb the power of the ruling class and therefore forcing the workers to rely on the organization of their class in the industries of the world.”