“Spectacular and futile condemnations of race prejudice. In reality, a colonial country is a racist country.”

“Spectacular and futile condemnations of race prejudice. In reality, a colonial country is a racist country.”
“As supporters on the outside sprang into action, calling on the government to #FreeThemAll, prisoners faced up to the reality of 24-hour lockdowns, no more family visits, an already failing health-care system, and terrible food. The hunger strikes started not long after.”
Audio interview from 2010 with Wade Crawford (Oneida/Haudenosaunee) from Six Nations of the Grand River, talking about his participation in the “Oka Crisis” and other struggles (interview from the Vancouver Media Coop, with a song clip, as chosen by Wade)
“As we mark the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, we, the undersigned, join together to reaffirm our commitment to the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice, return, and liberation.”
“Vancouver MP and junior minister for Indian Affairs Stephen Owen caused controversy in early February, 2002, when he compared young natives in Canada to Palestinian militants.“
We spoke about the Commune and colonialism, moving from Paris to the exile of Communards like Louise Michel in “New Caledonia,” to the Red River Resistance of 1869-70 in what would eventually become a part of “Canada.”