
Cultural Genocide, Intentionally Planned – Rose Bishop (1975)

“This type of cultural genocide was intentionally planned by a more aggressive, power-hungry nation of people in order to further exploit a nation of people whose socialistic ideas could not be destroyed otherwise.”


The Truth About the Anicinabe Park Occupation of 1974 – Linda Finlayson

“We are proud that the Métis Society of Saskatchewan was one of the few organization that supported the Native people of Kenora as they fight for justice.”


An Open Letter in Solidarity with Prisoners at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre

“We are a collective of community members, prisoner advocates, and penal abolitionists who stand in solidarity with prisoners at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre (SCC), where 130 people (107 prisoners; 23 staff) or roughly 20% of the population have tested positive for COVID-19 as of November 30, 2020.”


Give The Land Back? – Flash Forward Podcast

A short outtake from my interview with the Flash Forward Podcast (in reference to the Briarpatch Magazine LandBack issue), and a link to the full episode of the podcast.


Native Alliance for Red Power – Eight Point Program (1969)

“The white power structure has used every possible method to destroy our spirit, and the will to resist. They have divided us into status and nonstatus, American and Canadian, Métis and Indian. We are fully aware of their ‘divide and rule’ tactic, and its effect on our people.”


The Indian Claims Commission is illegal, unjust and criminal – Karoniaktajeh (1965)

“The ‘nation’ among the white people is a recent concept. The U.S.A. was the first white nation as all the other countries were kingdoms.”