
Marxism and Native Americans – Reviewed by Howard Adams (1984)

“In the attempt to be intellectual, the authors’ writings are largely incomprehensible within the context of Marxism and Native Americans.”


Against Imperialism: International Solidarity and Resistance – Endless Struggle (1990)

“But such a simplistic analysis ignores the patriarchal & racist ideological basis that makes up the domination & expansion of capitalism. Today, capitalism shapes & effects our cultural & social relationships like no other social culture has.”


The Mexican People are Suited to Communism – Ricardo Flores Magón (1911)

“Four million Indians live in Mexico who, until twenty or twenty-five years ago, lived in communities possessing the lands, the waters, and the forests in common. Mutual aid was the rule in these communities…”


Traditional Indian Government: Of the People, by the People, for the People – Marie Smallface-Marule (1984)

“Elitism is a European ideology and philosophy. It is completely contrary to our traditional philosophy and ideology, and it is very dangerous to the survival of Indian communities.”


Remembering David Dennis

“From his younger years as a founder of the West Coast Warrior Society to a call for the province to eliminate discriminatory organ donation policies during the last year of his life, those closest to David Dennis will remember him for his fearlessness in the face of daunting adversity.”


From Six Nations of the Grand River to Tyendinaga (2006-2008)

The 2000’s were a time of heightened struggle and conflict for communities of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) Confederacy located within territories fraudulently occupied and claimed by Canada.