
Sutikalh – It Takes a Whole Community to Stop a Ski Resort

After almost exactly 20 years of struggle and land reclamation, St’at’imc people’s resistance has successfully stopped the development of a proposed ski resort in their territory, as the British Columbia government’s assessment office has finally canceled the Environmental Assessment Certificate for the project.


The Unconquered Mapuche (2005)

The Mapuche have always believed that the world would end if they did not resist the colonizers, and have called on the spirits of their ancestors to aid them in battle.


Secwepemc History of Resistance (2005)

The Secwepemc people’s resistance to colonization is rooted in their spirituality, which is based on the balance brought by the Creator and his helper, Coyote.


Mohawks Kick Cops Off Rez (2004)

How the Kanehsatà:ke Mohawk community stopped a police invasion and decommissioned the band council’s police force.


Contorted & Contrived: The “Indigenous Politics” of the Red Braid Alliance

Connected to wâhkôhtowin are several other principles or laws, such as miyo-wîcêhtowin, which is the intentional cultivation of good relations, as opposed to the tolerance of just any way of relating to each other, however harmful.


Pandemics, Schools and Squats in a Civil Society built on Stolen Land

Since the 2002 Woodwards Squat, non-houseless activists in Vancouver have consistently tried to co-opt “squatting” for their own self-promotional media stunts and organization-building purposes, rather than to meet the immediate needs of the houseless. This was criticized back then too.