
The Struggle for Self-Managed Social Space – Alfredo M. Bonanno (1987)

“Capital has stolen our time from us (it needed it for production) and it has stolen our space (it needed it first as places of production, then as a system of control and repression, then to get general consensus). Now we are faced with the need to move toward expropriating our time and space.”


The Great Depression & Radical History in Vancouver (2002)

Strikes and occupations and riots, holy heck!


Anarchy in BC: Anti-Capitalist Struggle Outside the Union on Canada’s ‘Left Coast’ – Roger Farr (2007)

“Expropriation / occupation, I would argue, poses an even greater threat to capitalism than does property destruction alone, because the occupation opens the door to new forms of social relations, and moves beyond economic critique towards a politics of everyday life.”


Métis Women Against the “Adopt Indian and Métis” Program – Phyllis Trotchie, Nora Thibodeau & Vicki Racette (1971)

“We want our children to be brought up as Métis and not as middle class pseudo-whites. These children belong in our Métis culture and nation.”


Challenge to Colonized Culture – Howard Adams (1995)

“White liberals are quite anxious to usurp our creations, as well as to embrace them as successes of the imperialist nation. But Aboriginal culture is not an appendage of white bourgeois culture.”


Capitalism, the Final Stage of Exploitation – Lee Carter (1970)

“Just as colonialism could only provide work for a privileged few, technology has made it so that capitalism, the final stage of exploitation, will not be able to provide workers with work.”