
Review: Reading the Riot Act, A Brief History of Riots in Vancouver (2006)

As Barnholden says, the riot doesn’t herald the revolution. But the riot can prefigure the structure of the revolution in its contrast of equality to democracy and of freedom in practice to the legal abstraction of human rights.


A Smallpox Epidemic & Colonial Quarantine around Lake Winnipeg

“The 1876-1877 smallpox epidemic demonstrates how Aboriginal dispossession and settler-colonialism were linked through the overlapping governmental apparatuses of territoriality and public health.”


How to Become an Activist in One Easy Lesson – Joe Tehawehron David (1991)

“My role in the ‘Oka Crisis’ was inevitable because of my great-grandfather and my grandmother, my parents and the history of my community, but also because of the two governments’ intentional disregard of Natives’ legitimate protests and demands.”


Marxism from a Native Perspective – John Mohawk (1981)

“Although there are fundamentalists within both groups, it would be unfair to state that either Marxists or Native Peoples’ movements are ideologically static. Both are capable of responding to changing realities and each appears able to incorporate the thoughts of the other to some degree.”


A Rent Strike in Vancouver – Anders Corr (1999)

“In an atmosphere charged with the idea of rent strike, almost all landlords perceived the danger of providing provocation for further strikes. Even those considering the purchase of rental property in Vancouver may have paused for a short period before buying. In this way, the strike’s atmosphere of tenant resistance slowed the rate of rent increases for the average Vancouver tenant.”


The Form of the Struggle For Liberation – Howard Adams (1975)

“Each community must follow its own distinct pattern. Central leadership only preserves and stabilizes the present capitalist system. Likewise, local councils should guard against the formation of any kind of hierarchy or bureaucracy or any distinction by age, sex, or education.”