
Squatting in Vancouver – A Brief Overview (2002)

A brief and incomplete overview of the history of squatting in Vancouver, with a PDF newsletter for download and youtube video links related to the Frances Street and Woodwards squats.


Indigenous Insurrections in Bolivia & Peru (2004)

In October of 2003, a massive social revolt overthrew the President of Bolivia, forcing him to escape to the United States. The uprising was the culmination of 500 years of Indigenous resistance to colonization and an escalating cycle of Indigenous insurrections which have swept the country in the past four years, involving a variety of tactics.


“When People Are Calling, You Go” – The first hand account of Eetsah, an Indigenous woman who took part in the Native Peoples Caravan (1974)

“People are capable of solving their own
problems,” she said. “We don’t need the
government to tell us what to do.”


The Red Path and Socialism – ᐊᓯᓂ Vern Harper (1979)

“Capitalism often disguises itself as a friend, but Native people understand its true role. Many Native people don’t know the terms I am using, but they know the effects of all these things that are happening to them.”


Thoughts on the Constitution and Aboriginal Self-Government – Howard Adams (1992)

“I believe it is the state, its institutions and structures that are at fault for the oppressive and deprived conditions of Aboriginal people.”


We need to return to the principles of Wahkotowin – Maria Campbell (2007)

“There is a word in my language that speaks to these issues: ‘wahkotowin.’ Today it is translated to mean kinship, relationship, and family as in human family. But at one time, from our place it meant the whole of creation. And our teachings taught us that all of creation is related and inter-connected to all things within it.”