“Ce texte de M. Gouldhawke (2020) retrace l’histoire de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, le corps policier fédéral aux racines coloniales, capitalistes et impérialistes.”
“Source: A Condensed History of Canada’s Colonial Cops – How the RCMP has secured the imperialist power of the north. https://thenewinquiry.com/a-condensed-history-of-canadas-colonial-cops/ “
– Apprentissages Abolitionnistes, December 9, 2020
See also:
A Condensed History of Canada’s Colonial Cops (The New Inquiry, 2020)
A Concise Chronology of Canada’s Colonial Cops (2020)
Police Geographies, by Emily Kaufman (2020)
An Indigenous Abolitionist Study Guide, by the Toronto Abolition Convergence (2020)
Abolish The Police: The Financial Cost Of Law Enforcement In Prairie Cities, by Emily Riddle (2020)
Police protect corporations, not people, by Emily Riddle (2020)
Policing Black Lives: The Colour Line, by Robyn Maynard (2017)
Police Murders & Inquiries: State hand-wringing over killings of Indigenous people by cops (2005)