
Links to 1492 Land Back Lane

A collection of links to stories and statements about 1492 Land Back Lane at Six Nations of the Grand River territory.

1492 Land Back Lane Legal Fund

1492 Land Back Lane official twitter account

Protect the Tract: Haldimand Tract Moratorium

(Click on the twitter icon in the top right corner to open the tweets and threads below)

OPP spent more than $16M policing 1492 Land Back Lane: Records (APTN News)

Standoff at 1492 Land Back Lane (The Walrus Magazine)

When we fight for one treaty, we fight for them all, by Xicotencatl Maher Lopez

How can you reconcile on stolen land?, by Chezney Martin

Beyond the barricades, by Jorge Barrera (CBC)

Reclaiming the land at 1492 Land Back Lane, by Karl Dockstader

Caledonia’s 1492 Land Back Lane camp is a monument to the justice Canada has denied, by Tanya Talaga

‘A community that won’t back down’: The battle at Land Back Lane, by Christopher Curtis

Six Nations Saturday night: Land defenders host community gathering, by Kate McCullough (Hamilton Spectator)

Peel Labour Stands in Solidarity With Six Nations Land Defenders

Open Letter From The Williams Family Regarding Their Rights And Safety – Yellowhead Institute

Caledonia, Caledonia, don’t take your big head so hard, by Mohawk Nation News

Ontario Federation of Labour Statement on 1492 Land Back Lane Injunction

Police fire rubber bullets, use Taser during confrontation at Land Back Lane, by Christopher Curtis

Statement of Solidarity with the Six Nations land defenders, by District 21 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation

Solidarity with 1492 Land Back Lane Land Defenders, by the Asian Canadian Labour Alliance

Indigenous Land Rights Action Blocks Northern BC Highway

Manitoba protesters stand with Six Nations, fight promised anti-blockade law (CBC)

“We must oppose colonial violence in our communities”: CUPE Ontario sends message of support to Indigenous Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane

1492 Land Back Lane: Cold Handcuffs And Hot Anger For The People Of Six Nations, by Alicia Elliott

Solidarity with 1492 Land Back Lane, by the Ontario Federation of Labour

Hundreds rally in Toronto to show support for Six Nations members arrested in land dispute (CBC)

In Conversation with Haudenosaunee Land Defenders: 1492 Land Back Lane, by Binish Ahmed

Yellowhead Statement Regarding Arrests At 1492 Land Back Lane

Why Haudenosaunee women are central to advocating for land rights, from Oka to Caledonia, by Ka’nhehsí:io Deer (CBC)

Statement From Concerned Haudenosaunee Women Regarding Injunctions At 1492 Land Back Lane

Kwa’y^hneha – The Rabbit Dance, by Karl Dockstader

Hamilton and District Labour Council Statement in Solidarity With 1492 Land Back Lane

Wet’suwet’en Block Trains in Solidarity with Six Nations

Mohawk lawyer, Beverley Jacobs explains the 1492 Land Back Lane camp

Six Nations: Fire on the streets of Caledonia after OPP arrest land protesters

Further background on Six Nations of the Grand River:

Audio interview with Wade Crawford from Six Nations of the Grand River (2010)

From Six Nations of the Grand River to Tyendinaga (2006-2008)

Land Back: The matrilineal descent of modern Indigenous land reclamation

A Concise Chronology of Canada’s Colonial Cops