
What is the New Breed? (1969)

“We intend to change things. As Natives, we have awakened, we are awakening to our plight after a hundred years of slumber. We intend to take some action.”

Volume 1, No 1, November 1969



The New Breed newspaper is new. Its purpose is to bring to you the news of the Metis and Indian communities of Saskatchewan. Since there are over forty thousand (40,000) Metis and non-Treaty Indians in the province, it is necessary for us to have our own Native newspaper. The New Breed hopes to bring to you the ideas of our brothers and sisters of the province, and the happenings and issues that effect us. As Halfbreeds and Indians there are many things that we have in common that would be news to us, and which would help to unite us. We can become better united by sharing ideas on how we are attempting to solve our problems and difficulties in our communities. This newspaper will try to link us together. Its policy is to get you involved as much as possible in the Metis and Indian movement. Therefore, we urge you to discuss the ideas raised in this paper with your brothers and sisters, and then organize for action.


During the past summer changes have taken place within the Metis Society. In July the Society became more concerned with radical work. Since the government have said NO to better housing, jobs, more upgrading education, and grants for farming and small business, we felt that you should know about this. It seems that the governments intend to do VERY LITTLE to help us. Your Metis Society and its Executive can perform no miracles for you, but it can bring you the facts and the news of our difficulties. You are the Metis Society, and without you nothing can change. Without your ideas and action, nothing will happen. The New Breed is your newspaper and it is partly up to you to make a success of it.


Last year the Metis Society tried to work mostly on individual problems, and in selling membership cards. Now we know that to get what we need, we must work on the LARGE problems and issues together as a PEOPLE. It was hoped that our problems would go away if just left alone, but they have only become worse. Our problems of poor housing, serious employment, and a few up-grading courses are not going away, so we have to do something about them NOW.


By a radical movement is meant that as Halfbreeds and Indians of Saskatchewan we are unhappy with our poor lives and the crap we are getting from the governments, and the Canadian society, in general. We intend to change things. As Natives, we have awakened, we are awakening to our plight after a hundred years of slumber. We intend to take some action. We will talk to our brothers and sisters first, then we will take the matter to our local Metis organization and to the provincial Metis Society. At the same time we will complain to our member of parliament at Ottawa and Regina. Then if the government authorities fail to act, we will have a demonstration or picket line to let them know we mean business.

No one will listen if we complain alone. Be sure to complain as a GROUP OR ORGANIZATION NOT JUST AS A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. In a radical Native movement you must always remember that you live in a racist society. We must make Canadians realize this fact, especially white Canadians. As a Metis or Indian in Saskatchewan you can NOT stay on the fence of the radical Native movement. We hope that you will not stay on the outside. Through the New Breed we hope all of us will come close together as a cultural group to form a radical movement. The New Breed upholds the truth and beauty of the Halfbreeds and Indians.

Editorial Staff:

T. Durocher, H. Adams, D. Dorian, A. Goulet

See also:

Métis militancy and Saskatchewan media (2023)

Métis Women Against the “Adopt Indian and Métis” Program – Phyllis Trotchie, Nora Thibodeau & Vicki Racette (1971)

The Need for a Revolutionary Struggle – Howard Adams (1972)

The Truth About the Anicinabe Park Occupation of 1974 – Linda Finlayson

Cultural Genocide, Intentionally Planned – Rose Bishop (1975)

Maria Campbell’s speech to the Native Peoples Caravan in Toronto (1974)

Land Back (Primary and secondary documents from or about the movement)