“They proclaimed their principles during the terrible year spent on the threshold of death; they proclaimed them on the scaffold, and they hailed the day on which they died for those principles as the happiest of their lives.”

“They proclaimed their principles during the terrible year spent on the threshold of death; they proclaimed them on the scaffold, and they hailed the day on which they died for those principles as the happiest of their lives.”
“Let us not forget on May Day, Labor Day, to honor the memories of all our martyred dead, whose struggle, sufferings and death have made possible even the agitation for better things for the workers.”
“Anarchism is not the struggle for better wages, more gadgets and full-employment.”
“The best politician operating on the social organism is like a well-meaning and intelligent mechanic trying to cut out your appendix with a rusty bread-saw.”
“In plain words, a pact was formed during the War between British imperialism and Jewish nationalism, of which the Arabs were to be the victims.”
“…the Iraqi people are putting the world’s most powerful and technologically advanced army in serious difficulty.”