
Japanese Delegation Supports U.S. Anti-Nuclear Movement – Tom Barry (1978)

“Guided by Indian representatives from the National Indian Youth Council (NIYC), they saw the largest open pit uranium mine in the world, the Jackpile mine on the Laguna reservation, where Native American miners are on strike for a new contract.”


The Last Speech of Deskaheh (1925)

“You would call it Canada. We do not.”


Anna Mae Aquash, Indian Warrior – Susan Van Gelder (1979)

“This biography of the development of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash as Indian woman and revolutionary shows feminists, Indian activists, and all serious revolutionaries why our enemies were so anxious to end her life and thought.”


Repression on Pine Ridge – Amherst Native American Solidarity Committee (1976)

“Anyone who witnessed the murders of Black leaders like Fred Hampton in [1969] under the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations knows the lengths to which they are willing to go to crush progressive movements.”


Indian Activist’s Bold Life on Film – John Tuvo (1980)

“‘Brave Hearted Woman,’ a 90-minute documentary film on the death of Indian activist Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, touched the hearts of a good-sized crowd at SF State’s McKenna Theater Tuesday and raised disturbing questions about American law officials’ dealings with Indians.”


Events Surrounding Recent Murders on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota – I. T. Creswell, Jr., S. H. Witt (1976)

“Many feel that they are the objects of a vendetta and have a genuine fear that the FBI is ‘out to get them’ because of their involvement in Wounded Knee and in other crisis situations.”