Anarchist Women

Depiction of Louise Michel at the looting of a bakery

Voices of anarchist women on this site

The Conscripts Strike, by Louise Michel (1881)

Abolition of Government, by Lizzie M. Swank (1886)

“Timid” Capital, by Lizzie M. Swank (1886)

Arrest of Mrs. Parsons and Children, by Lizzie M. Holmes (1887)

The Necessity of Communism, from Freedom (1887)

Publisher’s Note, by Lucy E. Parsons (1887)

A Piece of History, by Lucy E. Parsons (1895)

Parliamentarism by Louise Michel (1896)

The Eighteenth of March, by Louise Michel (1896)

Louise Michel on the Congress (1896)

Prison Song, by Louise Michel (1898)

Which Makes the Greater Savage, the Blanket or the Uniform?, by Emily G. Taylor (1902)

To the Conscripts, by l’anarchie (1906)

Will this Struggle be Drowned in Blood?, by Voltairine de Cleyre (1911)

Report of the Work of the Chicago Mexican Liberal Defense League, by Voltairine de Cleyre (1912)

The Trial a Farce, by Lucy E. Parsons (1911)

Our Moral Censors, by Emma Goldman (1913)

Down with Wars!, by Isolina Bórquez (1914)

First Year of the War, by Emma Goldman (1915)

Observations and Comments on the Vote, by Emma Goldman (1915)

Echoes of War, by Estella Arteaga (1916)

Armed / The Conscious Workers, by Juanita Arteaga (1916)

Skirmishes, by Juanita Arteaga (1916)

Anarchists Who Are All Talk?, by Estela Arteaga / No More Charades!, by Lucia Norman (1916)

The Meaning of Margaret Sanger’s Stand, by Rebekah E. Raney (1916)

Good Prospects for Anti-Militarism, by Emma Goldman (1916)

Frank Little, by Emma Goldman (1917)

Teaching Liberty to Santo Domingo, by Emma Goldman (1917)

Between Jails, by Emma Goldman (1917)

The Facts of Anarchy, by Itō Noe (1921)

The Haymarket Martyrs, by Lucy E. Parsons (1926)

Anarchists and Elections, by Emma Goldman (1936)

Controllers and Controlled, by Lucía Sánchez Saornil (1937)

The Black Spectre of War, by Emma Goldman (1938)

What Are We Voting For?, by Marie Louise Berneri (1942)

Man-Made Famines, by Marie Louise Berneri (1943)

The Yankee Peril, by Marie Louise Berneri (1943)

The Avalanche, by Clara Cole (1947)

How We See It, by The Vancouver Five (1983)

Breaking out of the Ghetto, by Jean Weir (1988)

Survival Gathering: Toronto, July 1-4, 1988, by Jean Weir

Women in Prison, by Ann Hansen (2002?)

Civilization is a Crime Scene (Take 2), by A.S.Matta (2002)

Secondary documents about anarchist women’s struggle on this site

Lilian Wolfe: 1875-1974, by Nicolas Walter (1974)

At home in the house of the Lord, from Open Road (1984)

Marie Louise Berneri poster (artist: Kree Arvanitas) from Open Road #6 (1978)

Texts by anarchist women or about their struggle on other sites

Reflections on the Way to the Gallows, by Kanno Sugako (1911)

Lilian Wolfe: On Her 90th Birthday, by Vernon Richards (1965)

Lilian Wolfe – Lifetime Resistance, by Sandy Martin (1972)

She Lived Her Politics, by Sheila Rowbotham (1975)

Louise Olivereau and the Seattle Radical Community 1917-1923, by Sarah Ellen Sharbach (1986)

Atamansha: The Life of Marusya Nikiforova, by Malcolm Archibald (2007)

Taratuta, Olga Ilyinichna 1876-1938, by Nick Heath (2009)

Anarchism and the British Warfare State: The Prosecution of the War Commentary Anarchists, 1945, by Carissa Honeywell (2015)

The Women of Regeneración: An Incredible History of Organizing, Defying and Empowering, By Teena Apeles (2018)

Maria Luisa Berneri Richards 1918-1949, by Antonio Senta (2019)

Harm Reduction Guided by the Goal of the Abolition of Prisons and Capitalism: An interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen (2021)

The Best Feminist You’ve Never Heard Of: He-Yin Zhen, by Zoe Baker (2021)

Lilian Wolfe (1875-1974), de Paris Luttes (2022)

Life of anarchist-feminist [Noe Ito] revisited 100 years after her murder (2023)

The Life and Legacy of Feminist Activist Noe Ito, by Genie Harrison (2023)

Anarcha-Feminism topic at the Anarchist Library

Louise Michel texts at the Anarchist Library

Louise Michel texts at the Kate Sharpley Library

Louise Michel Archive at the Marxists Internet Archive

Lucy E. Parsons texts at the Anarchist Library

Lizzie M. Holmes texts at the Anarchist Library

Emma Goldman texts at the Anarchist Library

He Zhen texts at the Anarchist Library

Lucia Sanchez Saornil texts at the Anarchist Library

Ida Mett texts at the Anarchist Library

Louisa Sarah Bevington texts at the Anarchist Library

Charlotte Wilson texts at the Anarchist Library

Mollie Steimer texts at the Anarchist Library

Marie Goldsmith texts at the Anarchist Library

Marie Louise Berneri texts at the Anarchist Library

#28 in the Celebrate People’s History Poster Series